Superior Kabine
15% Ponant Bonus
21 m²
In Partnerschaft mit dem Festival „Marseille Jazz des cinq continents“ und unter Mitwirkung von Künstlern mit Kultstatus wie dem Oscar Peterson Centennial Trio, dem Papasoff Quintet mit Dawn Tyler Watson und dem Camille Thurman Quintet. Nicht zu vergessen die renommierten Gäste Maurin Auxéméry, künstlerischer Leiter des Montréal Jazz Festival, Jason Olaine, Vizepräsident für Programmgestaltung am Jazz at Lincoln Center und Ashley Khan, Musikwissenschaftler und Schriftsteller. Erfahren Sie mehr, indem Sie hier klicken.
Genießen Sie die zeitlose Eleganz der Jazzmusik auf Ihrer Reise entlang der traumhaft schönen nordamerikanischen Küste. Von Montreal nach New York bietet Ihnen PONANT in Partnerschaft mit Marseille Jazz des cinq continents eine außergewöhnliche musikalische Route an Bord der Le Lyrial während einer 14-tägigen Reise, auf der Sie die unberührten Landschaften und die kulturellen Schätze Kanadas und der amerikanischen Ostküste entdecken können. Eine Reise mit hochkarätigen Gästen an Bord – zwei amerikanisch-kanadische Quintette – im Rhythmus zahlreicher Konzerte und im Zeichen des Austauschs.
Während der Reise profitieren Sie von einem im Reisepreis inbegriffenen Landausflug pro Person und pro Anlaufhafen, auszuwählen aus einem von PONANT zusammengestellten Angebot. Entdecken Sie auf dieser Kreuzfahrt das Viertel Vieux-Québec mit seinem außergewöhnlichen Kulturerbe, das zum UNESCO-Welterbe gehört. Lassen Sie sich von den malerischen und belebten Gassen des Stadtteils Beacon Hill verführen und schlendern Sie durch die Gänge des berühmten Quincy Market von Boston. Oder besuchen Sie von Percé aus den Parc national de l’Île-Bonaventure-et-du-Rocher-Percé mit seiner einzigartigen Flora und Fauna, insbesondere einer riesigen Kolonie von Basstölpeln. Die Vielfalt der angebotenen Erlebnisse verspricht ebenso intensive wie abwechslungsreiche Momente. (Das gesamte Angebot finden Sie unter dem Reiter "Route".)
Gleich zu Beginn Ihrer Reise lernen Sie die zwei schönsten Städte der Provinz Québec kennen: Montreal mit seinem lebendigen kulturellen Leben, und Québec, der Hauptstadt der „Belle Province“ an der Mündung des Sankt-Lorenz-Stroms, die 1608 von Samuel de Champlain gegründet wurde. Anschließend geht es weiter für Sie auf die Gaspésie-Halbinsel in das wunderschöne.
An der Mündung des Flusses Saguenay liegt Tadoussac. In diesem Nationalpark befindet sich ein einmaliger Aussichtspunkt für die Beobachtung von Walen, die sich hier vor Beginn des Winters zur Nahrungsaufnahme versammeln.
Percé. Der kanadische Hafenort grenzt an einen Nationalpark mit einem beeindruckenden natürlichen, historischen und geologischen Reichtum. Die majestätische Felsformation Rocher Percé ebenso wie die gegenüberliegende Vogelinsel Bonaventura gehören zu den wichtigsten Sehenswürdigkeiten dieses Reiseziels.
Die mitten im Sankt-Lorenz-Golf gelegenen Magdaleneninseln bieten eine außergewöhnliche Landschaftsvielfalt mit weißen Sandstränden und roten, gemeißelten Felsen. Sie werden von der Natur ebenso begeistert sein wie von der Gastfreundschaft der Bewohner.
Anschließend fährt die Le Lyrial entlang der Küste Nova Scotias mit authentischen, geschichtsträchtigen Dörfern und Städten.
Am Ende der Halbinsel Cape Cod erinnert die Atmosphäre der Ostküste an den schicken und diskreten Charme der französischen Westküste, mit schönen Häusern, Gischt und einem sanften Lebensstil.
Ein großer Höhepunkt am Ende der Reise wird sicherlich, wenn die Le Lyrial vorbei an der majestätischen Freiheitsstatue in den Hafen von New York einlaufen wird. Genießen Sie Ihren Aufenthalt in der Stadt der Superlative.
Anschließend fährt die Le Lyrial entlang der Küste Nova Scotias mit authentischen, geschichtsträchtigen Dörfern und Städten.
Ref : LY280925
Eine musikalische Route in Partnerschaft mit Marseille Jazz des cinq continents mit hochkarätigen Gästen an Bord und zwei amerikanisch-kanadischen Quintetten Eine außergewöhnliche Kreuzfahrt zwischen den...
"The history of jazz is a fascinating voyage in itself. Starting in New Orleans, its influence has crossed continents with the movements of peoples and advances in civilisation. Our cruise will take you into the very heart of jazz music’s heritage.
It’s time for a unique experience, of being immersed in magnificent nature in close contact with the artists. A tribute to the legendary Oscar Peterson and Canadian jazz figures will accompany you on this voyage to the north, the final destination being New York City to celebrate the myth of American Jazz and its legends, Miles and Coltrane. We are hosting on board the prestigious Jazz at Lincoln Center in the form of Jason Olaine, its Vice-President of Programming, and Camille Thurman in a quintet… a captivating blend of tradition and innovation.
It will also be an opportunity to meet two renowned personalities in the jazz world, Maurin Auxéméry, Artistic Director of the Montréal Jazz Festival, the largest in the world, and musicologist and writer Ashley Khan who will enlighten us and share anecdotes that pepper the great history of jazz.
Come and share the stage with superb artists and indulge your passion for jazz in a fabulous setting."
Curator: Hughes Kieffer – Director of the Festival Jazz des Cinq Continents. Marseille – France
Unsere Gastkünstler
Für mehr Sicherheit wählt PONANT Flüge aus und kümmert sich um Ihre Transfers für Ihre Reise sowie um Landbesuche vor und nach dem Ausschiffen.
Diese Reise könnte Ihnen auch gefallen...
*Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit und basiert auf der Auslastung des jeweiligen Schiffes. Die Kabinenkategorie, für die dieser Preis gilt, ist möglichweise nicht mehr verfügbar
Wählen Sie eine Kabinenkategorie aus
Hughes Kieffer
Director and programmer since 2016 for the Festival Marseille Jazz des cinq continents, Hugues Kieffer knew the structure well since he was its technical director since its creation in 2000. He has inherited a very powerful artistic line for which he has gathered all his skills and work habits. His experience in the organization of cultural events has been organized for 30 years, in the field, for public service projects with local and national institutions. Openness, co-production, co-construction, the objective of these adventures remains the pooling of particular contributions and this is what characterizes Marseille Jazz from the five continents today. A graduate in communication and language science in 1984, at the heart of a decade that put art and culture at the center of urbanity, Hugues Kieffer works on the link between artists and the public. Jazz was an obvious choice for him. His conception of jazz reflects the world, mixed, globalized and modern. According to Hugues Kieffer, "It's a demanding music that offers beautiful spaces of freedom".
Languages spoken : French and English
Photo credit : Christophe Billet
Ideal clothes for life on board:
During the days spent on board, you are advised to wear comfortable clothes or casual outfits. The entire ship is air-conditioned, so a light sweater, a light jacket or a shawl may be necessary. When moving about in the public areas of the ship and the decks, light but comfortable shoes are recommended.
Informal evening:
In the evening, you are advised to wear smart-casual attire, especially when dining in our restaurants where wearing shorts and tee-shirts is not allowed.
For women:
For men:
Officer’s evening:
For all cruises longer than 8 nights, an Officer’s Evening with a white dress code may be organized. Therefore, we encourage you to bring a stylish white outfit for the occasion (otherwise black and white).
Gala evening:
During the cruise, two gala evenings will be organised on board. Thus, we recommend that you bring one or two formal outfits.
For women:
For men:
A small shop is available on board offering a wide range of outfits, jewellery, leather goods and many accessories.
A laundry service (washing/ironing) is available on board, but unfortunately there are no dry cleaning services. For safety reasons, your cabin is not equipped with an iron.
In your hand luggage, remember to bring any medicines that you need, and possibly a small spare bag of toiletries (in case of delay in the delivery of your baggage by the airline). Remember to always have your travel documents with you in case you need them: hotel vouchers, cruise vouchers, return flight tickets... Never leave them in your hold luggage.
All our cabins have a safe. We recommend not to go ashore with valuable jewellery.
PONANT Aktivitäten
* Vorreservierungen der Landausflüge ab etwa zwei Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt möglich. Anfragen werden nach Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs und unter Berücksichtigung einer entsprechenden Verfügbarkeit bearbeitet.
Einschiffung 28.09.2025 von 16:00 bis 17:00
Abfahrt 28.09.2025 um 18:00
Kanadas zweitgrößte Stadt Montreal ist eine herzliche und kosmopolitische Metropole, in der es sich gut leben lässt. Sie liegt auf der gleichnamigen Flussinsel und kennzeichnet sich durch eine Vielzahl sehr unterschiedlicher Bezirke. Entdecken Sie die Altstadt Vieux-Montréal, ein weitgehend historisches Viertel, Petite Italie, das Zentrum der italienischen Gemeinschaft, wo Sie über den größten Freiluftmarkt Nordamerikas schlendern können, oder Mille Carré doré, ein luxuriöses Viertel an einem der Hänge des Mont Royal mit prunkvollen viktorianischen Residenzen. Montreal ist sowohl von den Einflüssen des Alten Kontinents als auch vom Gigantismus Nordamerikas geprägt und wird Sie immer wieder überraschen.
Ankunft 29.09.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 29.09.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Die Hauptstadt der "Schönen Provinz" liegt an der Mündung des Saint-Charles in den Sankt-Lorenz-Strom im Südosten Kanadas. Im 17. Jahrhundert gegründet, verfügt sie immer noch über ihre Umfassungsmauer - ein in Nordamerika einzigartiges historisches Bauwerk. Sicher gefällt es Ihnen zwischen den malerischen Steinhäusern mit Mansarddächern des historischen Viertels Vieux-Québec, das zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehört. In den Fußgängerzonen wie der Rue du Petit-Champlain können Sie sich dem Shopping hingeben und zur Erfrischung ein mit Fichtenknospen aromatisiertes "Bière d'Epinette" trinken.
Ankunft 30.09.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 30.09.2025 abends
Das quebecer Dorf Tadoussac erhebt sich an der Mündung des Saguenay in den Sankt-Lorenz-Strom im Südosten Kanadas. Sie entdecken vielfarbige Häuser, die in einen grünen Nadelwald eingebettet sind. Am Rande des Wassers können Sie leicht die Kapelle von Tadoussac dank ihrer roten Schindeln ausmachen. Unweit dieser Holzkirche, eine der ältesten Nordamerikas, sehen Sie das Hotel Tadoussac, das seit hundert Jahren als Sommerfrische dient. Sie können hier einen Tee auf der Terrasse trinken und dabei den Blick auf die Küste genießen. Darüber hinaus gibt es ein Meeressäugetier-Museum und Forschungszentrum, wo Sie Ihre Kenntnisse über die in der Bucht von Tadoussac regelmäßig anzutreffenden Wale erweitern können.
Ankunft 01.10.2025
Abfahrt 01.10.2025
Genießen Sie während der Überfahrt auf See die zahlreichen Freizeitangebote an Bord. Gönnen Sie sich Entspannung im Spa oder halten Sie sich im Fitnessraum in Form. Lassen Sie sich je nach Jahreszeit zu einem Sprung in den Pool oder zu einem Sonnenbad verlocken. Dieser Reise ohne Zwischenstopp bietet auch Gelegenheit, einer Konferenz oder einer der an Bord angebotenen Vorstellungen beizuwohnen, abhängig von den angebotenen Aktivitäten, oder in der Boutique ein wenig zu shoppen oder die PONANT-Fotografen in ihrem eigenen Bereich aufzusuchen. Wer das offene Meer liebt, bewundert auf dem Oberdeck das Schauspiel der Wogen und kann mit etwas Glück Meerestiere beobachten. Eine zauberhafte kleine Auszeit mit Komfort, Entspannung und Unterhaltung.
Ankunft 02.10.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 02.10.2025 am frühen Nachmittag
Wenn Sie empfänglich für die Schönheit von Landschaften und geologischer Phänomene sind, dann werden Sie unweigerlich dem Charme von Percé, einem der schönsten Dörfer von Quebec, erliegen. Neben dem eigenen städtischen Charme, verdankt Percé seinen Ruf der Nähe zu dem berühmten Felsen gleichen Namens, der sich gegenüber im Sankt-Lorenz-Golf erhebt. Dieses Felseninselchen bildet zusammen mit der benachbarten Insel Bonaventure einen für sein einzigartiges natürliches, historisches und geologisches Erbe bekannten Nationalpark. Im Herzen dieser faszinierenden Region wartet ein breites Angebot von zahlreichen Freizeitmöglichkeiten wie Wanderungen, Unterwasserexpeditionen und Sightseeingtouren auf Sie.
Ankunft 03.10.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 03.10.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Die Ortschaft Cap-aux-Meules ist das Verwaltungs- und Wirtschaftszentrum der Magdaleninseln im Sankt-Lorenz-Golf, ist ein friedlicher Ort, der zur Entdeckung einer unberührten Natur einlädt. Sie liegt auf der gleichnamigen Insel, deren Name auf die Sandsteinfelsen des Kaps verweist, die einst zur Herstellung der Mühlsteine verwendet wurden. Der Ort gilt vor allem als maritimer Zugang zum Archipel. Er bietet einen privilegierten Zugang zu vielen Orten, die für ihr natürliches und historisches Erbe bekannt sind, wie z. B. das Dorf Havre-Aubert, das Mitglied der Vereinigung der schönsten Dörfer von Quebec ist.
Ankunft 04.10.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 04.10.2025 mittags
Die im Atlantischen Ozean gelegene Kap-Breton-Insel besticht durch eine Menge von Sehenswürdigkeiten wie zum Beispiel Louisbourg, ehemalige Stadt der "Île Royale", deren Erkundung ein besonderes Erlebnis ist. Dieser malerische Marktfleck birgt eine der bedeutendsten historischen Stätten des Landes: Die emblematische Festung von Louisbourg, die wundervoll wiederaufgebaut wurde. Deren Besichtigung versenkt Sie mitten in das Kanada des 18. Jh. Sie betreten diese ehemalige Festungsstadt über die Zugbrücke und das Dauphine-Tor, das durch einen Wachposten geschützt ist. Vor Ihnen liegt dann die befestigte Stadt so, wie sie zu ihrer Glanzzeit aussah. Machen Sie sich darauf gefasst, mehr als nur eine Reise in die Vergangenheit, nämlich, ein völlig überraschendes Abenteuer zu erleben.
Ankunft 05.10.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 05.10.2025 am späten Abend
Die historische Hafenstadt Halifax an der kanadischen Ostküste zeichnet sich als von einer bezaubernden Natur umgebene Provinzhauptstadt und Kulturzentrum von Nova Scotia aus. Sie war während der beiden Weltkriege ein starker strategischer Militärstützpunkt und während des Amerikanischen Unabhängigkeitskrieges und der Napoleonischen Kriege die größte Basis der Royal Navy. Außerdem liegen hier die Opfer des Dramas der Titanic auf dem Fairview-Friedhof begraben, den Sie besichtigen können. Während dieses Stopps haben Sie auch die Möglichkeit, durch das malerische Fischerdorf Peggy's Cove mit seiner atemberaubenden Naturlandschaft zu bummeln.
Ankunft 06.10.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 06.10.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Ankunft 07.10.2025
Abfahrt 07.10.2025
Genießen Sie während der Überfahrt auf See die zahlreichen Freizeitangebote an Bord. Gönnen Sie sich Entspannung im Spa oder halten Sie sich im Fitnessraum in Form. Lassen Sie sich je nach Jahreszeit zu einem Sprung in den Pool oder zu einem Sonnenbad verlocken. Dieser Reise ohne Zwischenstopp bietet auch Gelegenheit, einer Konferenz oder einer der an Bord angebotenen Vorstellungen beizuwohnen, abhängig von den angebotenen Aktivitäten, oder in der Boutique ein wenig zu shoppen oder die PONANT-Fotografen in ihrem eigenen Bereich aufzusuchen. Wer das offene Meer liebt, bewundert auf dem Oberdeck das Schauspiel der Wogen und kann mit etwas Glück Meerestiere beobachten. Eine zauberhafte kleine Auszeit mit Komfort, Entspannung und Unterhaltung.
Ankunft 08.10.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 08.10.2025 abends
Die Stadt mit dem Beinamen "America's Walking City" wartet mit einer unglaublichen Geschichte auf. 1630 gegründet, heute die zehntgrößte Metropole der USA, stellt sie ein Paradies für Wanderer dar. Um eine Orientierungshilfe zu haben, nutzen Sie den Freedom Trail, der entlang einer auf dem Boden gezeichneten roten Linie zu den meisten Sehenswürdigkeiten führt. Nicht entgehen lassen dürfen Sie sich auch einen Abstecher auf den Quincy Market, um die köstlichen lokalen Spezialitäten wie den Hummersandwich zu kosten oder auch North End, das italienische Viertel. Für Romantiker ist Beacon Hill, das historische Viertel der Stadt, mit seinen kleinen gepflasterten Straßen, besonders reizvoll und sehenswert.
Ankunft 09.10.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 09.10.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Dieser Jachthafen, der nur 25 000 Einwohner zählt, gehört zum Bundesstaat Rhode Island. Er birgt fantastische "Mansions", von französischen und italienischen Palästen inspirierte Bauwerke. Wie The Elms, die Sommerresidenz der Familie Berwind, die in der Kohleindustrie zu Reichtum gelangte. Oder auch das imposante Anwesen Château-sur-Mer, das für die Familie Wetmore erbaut wurde. Aber das Schmuckstück bleibt The Breakers, ein Palast im italienischen Renaissancestil mit 70 Räumen.
Ankunft 10.10.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Ausschiffung 10.10.2025 um 07:30
Die größte Stadt der USA ist aus mehr als einem Grund faszinierend. Mit ihren fünf äußerst weitläufigen Stadtbezirken – Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx und Staten Island – bietet sie eine unglaubliche Zahl an kulturellen Aktivitäten. Es ist ein Vergnügen, das ständige Schauspiel auf dem Times Square zu beobachten, sehr schöne antike Werke im Metropolitan Museum of Art zu entdecken, inmitten der 341 Hektar des Central Parks spazieren zu gehen oder auf die Aussichtsplattform der Freiheitsstatue zu steigen. Kein Wunder, dass sich der „Große Apfel“ – einer der Beinamen der Stadt – uneingeschränkt genießen lässt!
Discover the charm of the old town by exploring its historic and natural sites, then go along the Saint Lawrence River to admire the spectacular scenery of Montmorency Falls. Without forgetting the unmissable gourmet break at a maple farm.
Walk in the magnificent Battlefields Park, which is on the site of the historic battle at which the French surrendered to the British in 1759. Also known as the Plains of Abraham and nestling on the cliffs overlooking the Saint Lawrence River, it is now a stunning park featuring hills, gardens, monuments and artillery artefacts.
You will then go along the Grande-Allée, a vast avenue edged with shops and café-terraces, to the Parliament Building (Hôtel du Parlement), an impressive Second Empire-style building overlooking the city.
Then, you will travel into the Quebec countryside. A few minutes from the fortified town of Old Quebec, Montmorency Falls offers breathtaking landscapes. You will feel the full power of nature when the water from the Montmorency River tumbles over the cliff to fall into the Saint Lawrence River.
At a maple farm, taste maple taffy - maple syrup boiled and poured onto snow; left to cool down, it is then wrapped around a stick to make a sticky treat.
Finally, you will discover the recently expanded Quebec National Museum of Fine Arts, where art, architecture and nature come together. You will discover the history of art in Quebec via its exhibitions of local artists from all eras.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into Quebec’s history by strolling the cobbled streets of the Old Town. Founded by the French explorer Champlain at the beginning of the 17th century and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is the only fortified city in North America that still has its ramparts.
First of all, you will go to the Place Royale. The stone buildings surrounding this square were once the homes of wealthy merchants. Built and rebuilt several times, the square remains the heart of the Lower Town as well as the home of North America’s oldest stone church, Notre-Dame-des-Victoires.
At the corner of the square, discover the charming pedestrian district of Petit-Champlain. Scattered along its narrow cobblestone streets are an array of quaint boutiques, speciality shops and outdoor cafés with strolling musicians and street performers.
You will then board the funicular that connects the Lower Town to the Upper Town. Perched on a hill overlooking the St. Lawrence River, Château Frontenac is Quebec’s best-known landmark. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and William Mackenzie King met here to discuss the Allied strategy during the Second World War. Now a luxury hotel, this château inspired by the French Renaissance and the châteaux of the Loire Valley is designated a National Historic Site of Canada. You will be able to make the most of a guided tour.
Adjoining the château, the Dufferin Terrace forms a belvedere overlooking the waterway. Enjoy the spectacular views over the St. Lawrence River, the town of Lévis on the opposite bank, the Ile d'Orléans and the Laurentian Mountains. You will then explore the fortress district passing Place d’Armes, the Quebec Seminary, the Ursuline Convent, Place de l’Hôtel de Ville, and the Artists Alley.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Set off aboard a Zodiac that will take you to encounter whales in the estuary of the Saint Lawrence River. A magical moment!
A naturalist-guide captain will take you to where the river meets the ocean, an ideal spot to observe these giants of the sea as well as other marine mammals such as blue whale, fin whale, minke whale, beluga, humpback whale and grey seal. Indeed, the gulf and the estuary of the Saint Lawrence are a veritable kingdom for whales and a formidable natural laboratory for biologists passionate about these emblematic species. During these two hours on the river, you will appreciate all the wild beauty of the Saguenay fjord.
Back on shore, you will visit the information centre run by the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM), a non-profit organisation dedicated to education for the sake of marine conservation and scientific research on the marine mammals of the Saint Lawrence.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Possessing one of the world’s lost beautiful bays, flanked by its large hotel with its characteristic red roof, Tadoussac is a picture-postcard village. Walk around this superb territory located at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence River and the Saguenay fjord.
Life goes by peacefully in this village of 800 souls lulled by the whisper of the waves and the salty air. While the history of the village of Tadoussac goes back to the arrival of Europeans on the American continent, the site itself was occupied by native communities from prehistoric times. Moreover, the origin of the word “tadoussac” finds its roots in Indian vocabulary. Tadoussac experienced the fur trade from the 17th to the 19th century, then the timber industry, before becoming a popular holiday destination.
Discover the North Coast’s typical plant species in Le Jardin de la Grève shoreline gardens. You will then visit the Chauvin Trading Post, a recreation of Canada’s very first fur trading post, with an exhibition focused on first contacts, the trading post and trading.
You will visit the Grand Hôtel Tadoussac, a superb wooden building overlooking Tadoussac Bay and the Saint Lawrence River. Its white wall, red roof, dormer windows and spectacular copula bestow an old-world charm upon it. Admire the old photos decorating the hotel lobby. You will make yourself comfortable and enjoy a cup of tea, at local café, while contemplating the bay.
Before leaving, you will visit the Little Chapel located on the property, also called the Indian Chapel. It is the oldest wooden church in North America, having been constructed in 1747 by Jesuit missionaries who came to convert the local population to Christianity. It houses religious objects that were used over two and a half centuries ago.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the cider works to the designers’ workshop, via the Sea Museum and Cap Hérissé, discover the various faces of the Magdalen Islands and its inhabitants.
Le Verger de Poméloi orchard is planted on the heights of the Magdalen Islands, overlooking the sea, and will plunge you into a kingdom ruled by the apple. Éloi Vigneau has been passionate about agriculture since his teenage years and started to plant his first apple trees in 1990 as part of an experimental project. From year to year, he followed the growth of the saplings in the local climate, as they faced the wind and sea air. 18 years later, he runs a small cider works and distillery producing excellent beverages while respecting the environment.
Then you will head for the Sea Museum. The permanent exhibition, called Laboureurs du Golfe, recounts the archipelago’s history, which is of course connected to the evolution of maritime practices. Objects and photographs tell stories of fishermen and shipwrecks, the development of ships and lighthouses, seal hunting, etc.
Not far from there is the Atelier Côtier workshop, a creative space coupled with a store where “8 friends and 1 dog have fun making beautiful things”. Here, the sand of the islands is transformed into singular sculptures, and the landscapes inspire the creation of design or decoration objects, clothing or jewellery.
To finish, you will head to the north of the island to admire the incredible jagged cliffs of Cap Hérissé.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Renowned for its stunning scenery and rich cultural history, the Magdalen Islands archipelago can also claim a fine culinary heritage, constantly renewed by passionate artisans, like the dairy, smokehouse and the brewery that await you here.
First stop: the Pied-de-Vent dairy, a delicious example of Madelinot perseverance and craftmanship. In just a few years, the artisans working here have successfully developed cheeses that are popular all over the country. Their secret is their great love for their terroir combined with a savvy blend of tradition and modernity, as you will discover during your visit of the farm, followed by a tasting.
Then, after coming along the lovely Chemin de la Pointe Basse, scattered here and there with typical painted houses and farms – with small closed porches, consoles and corbels, verandas but also painted or stained cedar shingles which are reminiscent of the Acadian and French origins of their first inhabitants -, you will discover the Fumoir d’Antan. Now an eco-museum dedicated to herring smoking, this typical smokehouse brings to life this last vestiges of what was a very important industry in the past. It has been used for three generations to smoke herring, mackerel, salmon and scallops; you will find out all about its history before tasting some specialities.
Then go along the northern coast of the island and the aptly named Cap-Hérissé, which is home to spectacular sheer and rugged cliffs that have been sculpted by the sea, before your final port of call: the À l’abri de la Tempête brewery. Here, local ingredients reign supreme. The brewers started using locally malted barley, then moved on to harvesting and using fresh flowers, marine algae and herbs from the area, to brew unique full-flavoured beers that you will have the pleasure of tasting.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
During a unique excursion, plunge into the past of the Fortress of Louisbourg, where each stone tells the story of an emblematic era. Imagine yourself back transported back in time to the era of New France, where this impressive fortress stood proudly on the shores of Cape Breton Island, protecting French interests in the New World.
It is the partial reconstruction of the most extensive colonial town in North America. An 18th-century French building, the Fortress of Louisbourg represents an essential part of Cape Breton history. As you cross the massive gates to the fortress, you will be enveloped by the fragrance of history. The cobblestones beneath your feet will resonate to the clicking of soldiers’ boots and the shouts of the merchants bustling in the narrow streets. You will find yourself at the heart of a living recreation, where characters in period costumes attend to their day-to-day business.
As you explore the impressive ramparts, the view over the Atlantic Ocean stretches as far as the eye can see, as a reminder of the strategic importance of this fortress built to deal with the threat of invasion during the turbulent times of the expansion of the British Empire. Thanks to the efforts and work accomplished by Parks Canada and the Fortress Louisbourg Association, soak up the yesteryear atmosphere and enter the dozen or so buildings that are open to visitors, including three authentic 18th-century restaurants.
In visiting the Fortress of Louisbourg, you will relive a chapter of history as you explore the site by yourself, follow a guided tour and see demonstrations of music, dancing, cookery, military exercises, etc. In addition, you can bring back a little taste of the past, with bread from the Boulangerie du Roi and sweets from Café Destouches.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum to a panoramic walk through the city’s emblematic sites, discover Boston from a different perspective and dive into the fascinating history of the capital of Massachusetts.
Boston, renowned for its rich historic and cultural heritage, has a host of treasures to offer, including the emblematic John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, dedicated to the former US president. At Columbia Point, between the walls of the building designed by the iconic architect I.M. Pei, explore the history of the Kennedy administration through a multitude of art work, personal artifacts, rare videos and historic documents. A special section is devoted to Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, highlighting her elegance (some of her outfits are displayed here), her grace and her impact as First Lady.
Following this dive into the Kennedy era, set off on a panoramic visit of Boston. Cross Copley Square and its emblematic buildings, wind your way through the historic streets of the Beacon Hill neighbourhood, admire the Massachusetts State House and its golden dome, the Freedom Trail and the King's Chapel.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Savoir vivre inklusive
Französische Lebenskunst (oder eine entspannte, internationale Atmosphäre an Bord der Paul Gauguin), aufmerksamer Service, feinste Gourmetküche, Freizeitangebote, Spa: Unsere Kreuzfahrten schenken wertvolle Momente voller Ruhe und Entspannung, Abenteuer und Entdeckung. Und mit unserer Vielzahl an bereits inkludierten Leistungen wird aus Ihrer Zeit an Bord eine richtige Auszeit vom Alltag.
An Bord Ihres Schiffes bieten Ihnen ausgewählte Lektoren kulturelle und historische Einblicke, damit Sie noch mehr über Ihr Reiseziel erfahren können: den Ursprung der lokalen Traditionen, die Geschichte symbolischer Orte, berühmte Persönlichkeiten und historische Helden... Die Experten begleiten Sie während der gesamten Kreuzfahrt, an Bord und bei den Ausflügen an Land, um ihr Know-how und ihre Einsichten mit Ihnen zu teilen.
Brechen Sie auf zu einer Musikreise auf dem Wasser! Sie lieben klassische Musik, Opern, Jazz oder keltische Melodien und haben Lust auf ein ganz besonderes Kreuzfahrterlebnis mit PONANT? Unsere Ehrengäste – bekannte Künstler, talentierte Interpreten und brillante Virtuosen – teilen ihr Wissen und ihre Leidenschaft im privaten Rahmen bei Konzerten und Vorträgen, an Bord oder an Land.
Unsere Zusatzleistungen
EUR 2’820
EUR 5’220
DetailsEnhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed programme.
Day 1 - Montreal
Meet and greet at the airport arrival hall. Look for PONANT sign. You will be greeted by our local representative off the flight selected by PONANT or any other flight (provided that you have previously communicated your flight schedule to your travel agent).
Transfer to your hotel Four Seasons Montreal 5* and check-in your room.
Dinner is on your own.
Day 2 - Montreal
Breakfast and check-out.
Start the day with a drive through the Golden Square Mile, a downtown neighborhood in constant effervescence where luxury, art and gastronomy are a daily part of its inhabitants’ thrilling lifestyle. Upon arrival on the Mont-Royal, depart for a 15-minutes walk until we reach the Kondiaronk belvedere where you will pause and enjoy the panoramic view of the city.
Next, head to an authentic sugar shack located about an hour’s drive from Montréal. In Quebec, when winter comes to an end, it announces sugaring-off time. Boiling maple sap to transform it into syrup is a typically French-Canadian tradition. The hosts recreated the rural setting of the last century, the perfect surrounding to taste and learn about the sugar-making and its history.
Enjoy lunch at the shack.
After lunch, return to Montréal for a visit of the majestic Notre-Dame Basilica, the first Gothic Revival church in Canada. From there, continue your exploration of Old Montreal’s rich architectural and historical legacy with a short walking tour before transferring to the ship for boarding.
Your hotel:
The Four Season Montreal 5* is ideally located in Downtown Montreal. Chic and modern, the hotel forms the vibrant new epicentre of the Golden Square Mile. The hotel offers a fine restaurant and wine and cocktail bar and a Guerlain Spa. All Carré Doré rooms feature a floor-to-ceiling window with a city view on the higher floors of the hotel.
Upgraded rooms are also available depending on availability and on a supplement basis. Contact your travel professional for further detail.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Contact of your hotel:
Four Season Montréal
1440 Rue de la Montagne
Montréal, QC, Canada, H3G 1Z5
Telephone: +514 8432500
Duration of the visits are given as a guide only. The order of the visits may be reversed. For the times of your PONANT flight, please contact your travel agent; they are also shown on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 900
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Enhance your cruise with a carefully designed programme.
Spend five days exploring the Laurentian region, its wide-open spaces and its rich history. Round off this nature-focused experience with a three-day stay in Montreal, to discover the largest French-speaking city on the American continent.
Day 1 – Montreal
You will be greeted at the airport of Montreal by our local representative and transferred to the hotel Four Seasons Montreal 5*.
Check-in available from 3 PM.
Day and dinner at leisure.
Day 2 – Montreal
After breakfast, start your day by visiting one of Montreal’s most emblematic neighbourhoods, the Golden Square Mile. In the early 20th century, the Golden Square Mile was home to some of the biggest fortunes in Canada. Wealthy merchants, industrialists and notables chose this green part of the city as the location for their great Victorian-style mansions, some of which are still standing today. Now a bustling neighbourhood combining luxury, gastronomy and art, it is part of the everyday life of Montreal residents.
Lunch will be served at a local restaurant.
Next, you will wander through Old Montreal and visit the dazzling Notre-Dame Basilica, Canada’s first basilica in the Neo-Gothic style.
The rest of the day will be at leisure.
Dinner will be served at a local restaurant.
Day 3 – Montreal/Mont Tremblant
Breakfast at the hotel and check-out.
You will then set off for the magnificent Laurentian region, located to the north of Montreal. After an hour on the road, you will make a first stop at a local cider works. The cider tradition in the Montreal region dates back to the early 19th century. Today it represents a mix of French influence, through the use of special apple varieties and fermentation techniques, and British influence, since in that part of the world cider is considered to be a refreshing beverage. Your host will walk you through the orchard and explain the different methods for growing and ripening the apples. As your visit continues you will have the opportunity to taste local products, including ice cider, a local speciality with a high sugar content.
You will get back on the road for 30 minutes and head to a local sugar shack for a typical culinary experience. After visiting the grounds, you will sit down to a lunch featuring rich, local flavours, served in a homely atmosphere.
After lunch, you will be transferred to Mont Tremblant after a 1h30 drive.
Check-in at your hotel Quintessence Mont Tremblant 5*.
Dinner at leisure.
Day 4 – Mont Tremblant
Breakfast at the hotel.
You will start your day by visiting the small village of Mont-Tremblant on foot. In winter, Mont-Tremblant is a ski resort that is popular with the locals and the village attracts skiers to the local restaurants, cafés and shops. In summer, the village turns into a peaceful haven where nature lovers can unwind. You will head for the heights by taking a gondola to the top of Mont-Tremblant.
Lunch will be served at a local restaurant.
After a 30-minute transfer aboard your bus, you will arrive at the Treetop Walk (Sentier des Cimes). There, you will be met by a French-speaking naturalist guide who will accompany you on your walk up this 40-metre tall panoramic tower with a maximum incline of 6%, built right in the middle of the Laurentian forest. Your naturalist guide will tell you about the local flora and fauna that make this region so rich. Once at the top, enjoy a cocktail as you admire the uninterrupted 360-degree view of the forest.
Walk back to your hotel.
Dinner will be served at the hotel’s restaurant.
Day 5 – Mont Tremblant/Montreal
Breakfast at the hotel and check-out.
There will be a 45-minute transfer to the Laurentian forest, where you will meet a Canadian trapper who has taken up residence there. You will have the chance to converse with him about his way of life, his environment, his connection with nature and with the indigenous tribes. He will take you into the surrounding forest where you will encounter bison he gets to see every day. He will then take you to the river where you can experience trout fishing by hand if you wish.
Back at the cabin, you will have the opportunity to taste these freshly-caught trout, cooked simply over a wood fire, and continue your conversation with your host.
After lunch, you will be transferred to the port of Montreal for boarding.
Your hotels :
The 5* Four Seasons Hotel Montreal is ideally located in the city centre. This hotel with a chic and modern décor is an institution in Montreal’s lively Golden Square Mile neighbourhood. It boasts a restaurant serving refined and local dishes, a wine and cocktail bar, and a Guerlain spa. All the Carré Doré rooms feature a floor-to-ceiling window offering views of the city and are located on the upper floors of the hotel.
The 5* luxury boutique hotel Hôtel Quintessence sits on the edge of Lake Tremblant. It is a tranquil establishment conducive to relaxation. All suites face the lake and feature a private balcony. Boasting a surface area of 65 square metres (700 sq. ft.), the suites also feature a king bed, a living area with fireplace, plus a bathroom with a rain shower and a spa tub.
Superior category rooms may also be requested, based on availability. Extra charges will apply. Please contact your travel agent for more details.
Your programme includes :
Your programme does not include :
Please note :
Contact of your hotels :
Four Season Montréal
1440 Rue de la Montagne
Montréal, QC, Canada, H3G 1Z5
Telephone : +514 8432500
Quintessence Mont Tremblant
3004 chemin de la Chapelle
Mot Tremblant, QC J8E 1E1
Telephone : +819 425 3400
Duration of the visits are given as a guide only. The order of the visits may be reversed. For the times of your PONANT flight, please contact your travel agent; they are also shown on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 3’840
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.
Discover the charm of the old town by exploring its historic and natural sites, then go along the Saint Lawrence River to admire the spectacular scenery of Montmorency Falls. Without forgetting the unmissable gourmet break at a maple farm.
Walk in the magnificent Battlefields Park, which is on the site of the historic battle at which the French surrendered to the British in 1759. Also known as the Plains of Abraham and nestling on the cliffs overlooking the Saint Lawrence River, it is now a stunning park featuring hills, gardens, monuments and artillery artefacts.
You will then go along the Grande-Allée, a vast avenue edged with shops and café-terraces, to the Parliament Building (Hôtel du Parlement), an impressive Second Empire-style building overlooking the city.
Then, you will travel into the Quebec countryside. A few minutes from the fortified town of Old Quebec, Montmorency Falls offers breathtaking landscapes. You will feel the full power of nature when the water from the Montmorency River tumbles over the cliff to fall into the Saint Lawrence River.
At a maple farm, taste maple taffy - maple syrup boiled and poured onto snow; left to cool down, it is then wrapped around a stick to make a sticky treat.
Finally, you will discover the recently expanded Quebec National Museum of Fine Arts, where art, architecture and nature come together. You will discover the history of art in Quebec via its exhibitions of local artists from all eras.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into Quebec’s history by strolling the cobbled streets of the Old Town. Founded by the French explorer Champlain at the beginning of the 17th century and a UNESCO World Heritage Site, it is the only fortified city in North America that still has its ramparts.
First of all, you will go to the Place Royale. The stone buildings surrounding this square were once the homes of wealthy merchants. Built and rebuilt several times, the square remains the heart of the Lower Town as well as the home of North America’s oldest stone church, Notre-Dame-des-Victoires.
At the corner of the square, discover the charming pedestrian district of Petit-Champlain. Scattered along its narrow cobblestone streets are an array of quaint boutiques, speciality shops and outdoor cafés with strolling musicians and street performers.
You will then board the funicular that connects the Lower Town to the Upper Town. Perched on a hill overlooking the St. Lawrence River, Château Frontenac is Quebec’s best-known landmark. Franklin D. Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and William Mackenzie King met here to discuss the Allied strategy during the Second World War. Now a luxury hotel, this château inspired by the French Renaissance and the châteaux of the Loire Valley is designated a National Historic Site of Canada. You will be able to make the most of a guided tour.
Adjoining the château, the Dufferin Terrace forms a belvedere overlooking the waterway. Enjoy the spectacular views over the St. Lawrence River, the town of Lévis on the opposite bank, the Ile d'Orléans and the Laurentian Mountains. You will then explore the fortress district passing Place d’Armes, the Quebec Seminary, the Ursuline Convent, Place de l’Hôtel de Ville, and the Artists Alley.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Set off aboard a Zodiac that will take you to encounter whales in the estuary of the Saint Lawrence River. A magical moment!
A naturalist-guide captain will take you to where the river meets the ocean, an ideal spot to observe these giants of the sea as well as other marine mammals such as blue whale, fin whale, minke whale, beluga, humpback whale and grey seal. Indeed, the gulf and the estuary of the Saint Lawrence are a veritable kingdom for whales and a formidable natural laboratory for biologists passionate about these emblematic species. During these two hours on the river, you will appreciate all the wild beauty of the Saguenay fjord.
Back on shore, you will visit the information centre run by the Group for Research and Education on Marine Mammals (GREMM), a non-profit organisation dedicated to education for the sake of marine conservation and scientific research on the marine mammals of the Saint Lawrence.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Possessing one of the world’s lost beautiful bays, flanked by its large hotel with its characteristic red roof, Tadoussac is a picture-postcard village. Walk around this superb territory located at the confluence of the Saint Lawrence River and the Saguenay fjord.
Life goes by peacefully in this village of 800 souls lulled by the whisper of the waves and the salty air. While the history of the village of Tadoussac goes back to the arrival of Europeans on the American continent, the site itself was occupied by native communities from prehistoric times. Moreover, the origin of the word “tadoussac” finds its roots in Indian vocabulary. Tadoussac experienced the fur trade from the 17th to the 19th century, then the timber industry, before becoming a popular holiday destination.
Discover the North Coast’s typical plant species in Le Jardin de la Grève shoreline gardens. You will then visit the Chauvin Trading Post, a recreation of Canada’s very first fur trading post, with an exhibition focused on first contacts, the trading post and trading.
You will visit the Grand Hôtel Tadoussac, a superb wooden building overlooking Tadoussac Bay and the Saint Lawrence River. Its white wall, red roof, dormer windows and spectacular copula bestow an old-world charm upon it. Admire the old photos decorating the hotel lobby. You will make yourself comfortable and enjoy a cup of tea, at local café, while contemplating the bay.
Before leaving, you will visit the Little Chapel located on the property, also called the Indian Chapel. It is the oldest wooden church in North America, having been constructed in 1747 by Jesuit missionaries who came to convert the local population to Christianity. It houses religious objects that were used over two and a half centuries ago.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the cider works to the designers’ workshop, via the Sea Museum and Cap Hérissé, discover the various faces of the Magdalen Islands and its inhabitants.
Le Verger de Poméloi orchard is planted on the heights of the Magdalen Islands, overlooking the sea, and will plunge you into a kingdom ruled by the apple. Éloi Vigneau has been passionate about agriculture since his teenage years and started to plant his first apple trees in 1990 as part of an experimental project. From year to year, he followed the growth of the saplings in the local climate, as they faced the wind and sea air. 18 years later, he runs a small cider works and distillery producing excellent beverages while respecting the environment.
Then you will head for the Sea Museum. The permanent exhibition, called Laboureurs du Golfe, recounts the archipelago’s history, which is of course connected to the evolution of maritime practices. Objects and photographs tell stories of fishermen and shipwrecks, the development of ships and lighthouses, seal hunting, etc.
Not far from there is the Atelier Côtier workshop, a creative space coupled with a store where “8 friends and 1 dog have fun making beautiful things”. Here, the sand of the islands is transformed into singular sculptures, and the landscapes inspire the creation of design or decoration objects, clothing or jewellery.
To finish, you will head to the north of the island to admire the incredible jagged cliffs of Cap Hérissé.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Renowned for its stunning scenery and rich cultural history, the Magdalen Islands archipelago can also claim a fine culinary heritage, constantly renewed by passionate artisans, like the dairy, smokehouse and the brewery that await you here.
First stop: the Pied-de-Vent dairy, a delicious example of Madelinot perseverance and craftmanship. In just a few years, the artisans working here have successfully developed cheeses that are popular all over the country. Their secret is their great love for their terroir combined with a savvy blend of tradition and modernity, as you will discover during your visit of the farm, followed by a tasting.
Then, after coming along the lovely Chemin de la Pointe Basse, scattered here and there with typical painted houses and farms – with small closed porches, consoles and corbels, verandas but also painted or stained cedar shingles which are reminiscent of the Acadian and French origins of their first inhabitants -, you will discover the Fumoir d’Antan. Now an eco-museum dedicated to herring smoking, this typical smokehouse brings to life this last vestiges of what was a very important industry in the past. It has been used for three generations to smoke herring, mackerel, salmon and scallops; you will find out all about its history before tasting some specialities.
Then go along the northern coast of the island and the aptly named Cap-Hérissé, which is home to spectacular sheer and rugged cliffs that have been sculpted by the sea, before your final port of call: the À l’abri de la Tempête brewery. Here, local ingredients reign supreme. The brewers started using locally malted barley, then moved on to harvesting and using fresh flowers, marine algae and herbs from the area, to brew unique full-flavoured beers that you will have the pleasure of tasting.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
During a unique excursion, plunge into the past of the Fortress of Louisbourg, where each stone tells the story of an emblematic era. Imagine yourself back transported back in time to the era of New France, where this impressive fortress stood proudly on the shores of Cape Breton Island, protecting French interests in the New World.
It is the partial reconstruction of the most extensive colonial town in North America. An 18th-century French building, the Fortress of Louisbourg represents an essential part of Cape Breton history. As you cross the massive gates to the fortress, you will be enveloped by the fragrance of history. The cobblestones beneath your feet will resonate to the clicking of soldiers’ boots and the shouts of the merchants bustling in the narrow streets. You will find yourself at the heart of a living recreation, where characters in period costumes attend to their day-to-day business.
As you explore the impressive ramparts, the view over the Atlantic Ocean stretches as far as the eye can see, as a reminder of the strategic importance of this fortress built to deal with the threat of invasion during the turbulent times of the expansion of the British Empire. Thanks to the efforts and work accomplished by Parks Canada and the Fortress Louisbourg Association, soak up the yesteryear atmosphere and enter the dozen or so buildings that are open to visitors, including three authentic 18th-century restaurants.
In visiting the Fortress of Louisbourg, you will relive a chapter of history as you explore the site by yourself, follow a guided tour and see demonstrations of music, dancing, cookery, military exercises, etc. In addition, you can bring back a little taste of the past, with bread from the Boulangerie du Roi and sweets from Café Destouches.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum to a panoramic walk through the city’s emblematic sites, discover Boston from a different perspective and dive into the fascinating history of the capital of Massachusetts.
Boston, renowned for its rich historic and cultural heritage, has a host of treasures to offer, including the emblematic John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, dedicated to the former US president. At Columbia Point, between the walls of the building designed by the iconic architect I.M. Pei, explore the history of the Kennedy administration through a multitude of art work, personal artifacts, rare videos and historic documents. A special section is devoted to Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy, highlighting her elegance (some of her outfits are displayed here), her grace and her impact as First Lady.
Following this dive into the Kennedy era, set off on a panoramic visit of Boston. Cross Copley Square and its emblematic buildings, wind your way through the historic streets of the Beacon Hill neighbourhood, admire the Massachusetts State House and its golden dome, the Freedom Trail and the King's Chapel.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Enhance your cruise and enjoy one more night in America by discovering New York and learning about the history of one of the most vibrant and fascinating city of the world.
Day 1 - New York
After disembarkation procedures have been completed, you will depart the port of New York by coach to reach the city centre.
First, you will learn more about Alexander Hamilton and the Founding Fathers. Explore the legacy left in Manhattan by Hamilton, a figure in American history who was born in the West Indies and made his reputation during the revolutionary war and became one of America’s most influential Founding Fathers. He was highly supported a strong federal government and played a key role in ratifying the US. Constitution. As the first secretary of the United States Treasury, he built a strong financial foundation against the opposition from Thomas Jefferson. Visit out of the beaten sites that filled with historical significance such as Fraunces Tavern, a historic bar and restaurant labeled as National Landmark building that once served as a watering hole for many of the Founding Fathers.
Lunch will be served in a local restaurant.
Continue with the visit on theme of the Gilded Age. Learl all about America’s greatest businessmen that forged America such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, or Andrew Carnegie. Learn about how they built their wealth and dominance and visit a selection of Gilded Age mansion located on the 5th avenue, also called the “Millionaire’s Row”.
You will then be taken to the Empire State Building, one of the world's most famous skyscrapers. You will admire the sunset and enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the city. Located in the heart of Midtown Manhattan, it has been a symbol of New York since it was completed in 1931.
The Empire State Building was initially proposed in 1929 by John Jakob Raskob, a prominent financier and businessman. He initially planned to build a 60-story skyscraper, which would be the tallest building in the world at the time. He hired the architectural firm Shreve, Lamb and Harmon to design the building, and construction began in 1930. The building was completed in just one year and one month, an incredibly quick construction time for such a large and impressive structure. Beautiful inside and out, the Empire State Building is an architectural marvel beloved across the world.
Check-in at your hotel Sofitel New York 4*.
Dinner will be at leisure.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2 - New York
Breakfast at the hotel and check-out.
Day and meals at leisure.
You will then be transferred to the airport in time for check-in of the PONANT selected flight, or any other flight (please make sure to previously communicate your flight schedule to your travel agent).
Your hotel :
Sofitel New York 4* is perfectly situated in midtown Manhattan, just off 5th Avenue’s luxury shops, the beautiful Bryant Park, Broadway theaters, stunning Rockefeller Center and energetic Times Square area. Often called ‘a quiet oasis’, the hotel provides a magnifique respite with all the wonderful energy of the city just outside the doors. There are 398 spacious luxury rooms, and each presents a sophisticated European ambiance with rich décor, including custom maple or rosewood three-paneled, full-wall headboards with a recessed art niche.
Your programme includes :
Your programme does not include :
Please note :
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
In the event of schedule changes of PONANT’s selected flight, your programme will be adapted to ensure the most seamless and enriching experience.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 1’050
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed programme.
Enjoy 5 days to explore iconic cities and sites that marked the history of the United States from the colonization to the war of independence and from the civil war to the gilded age.
Day 1 – New York City
After disembarkation procedures are completed, you will be greeted at the port by our local representative.
Start your history-themed programme and learn more about Alexander Hamilton and the Founding Fathers. Explore the legacy left in Manhattan by Hamilton, a figure in American history who was born in the West Indies and made his reputation during the revolutionary war and became one of America’s most influential Founding Fathers. He was highly supported a strong federal government and played a key role in ratifying the US. Constitution. As the first secretary of the United States Treasury, he built a strong financial foundation against the opposition from Thomas Jefferson. Visit out of the beaten sites that filled with historical significance such as Fraunces Tavern, a historic bar and restaurant labeled as National Landmark building that once served as a watering hole for many of the Founding Fathers.
Lunch will be served in a local restaurant.
Continue with the visit on theme of the Gilded Age. Learl all about America’s greatest businessmen that forged America such as Cornelius Vanderbilt, John D. Rockefeller, or Andrew Carnegie. Learn about how they built their wealth and dominance and visit a selection of Gilded Age mansion located on the 5th avenue, also called the “Millionaire’s Row”.
At the end of your visit, transfer to your hotel Sofitel Times Square 4*. The rest of the day and dinner are at leisure.
Day 2 – New York City/Philadelphia/Baltimore
Breakfast at the hotel.
Board your coach for a 2 – hours ride to Philadelphia (time of transfer may vary according to traffic).
Stretch your legs with a walking tour of the most iconic and historical sites of the city that is America’s birthplace as it is the place where the Founding Fathers met, discussed, debated and formed the new country to be. By 1770s, Philadelphia had grown to be the 3rd most important business center in the British Empire, after Liverpool and London due to the city location that provided access to inland farm regions and to the coal and ore resources that supplied the early iron industry. Prosperity was translated into personal and community wealth and the city became leader in the arts, science and culture, attracting future great leaders such as Benjamin Franklin, Benjamin Rush and David Rittenhouse. Private and public buildings were erected such as Hamilton’s Independence Hall. Later, Philadelphia would emerge as a leading republican city opposing to slavery.
During this tour, discover great iconic sites along with your guide such as the President’s House, the Declaration House or the Congress Hall.
Lunch will then be served in a local restaurant.
Board your coach for a 1 – hour transfer to Baltimore, enjoy a panoramic tour of Baltimore with a stop at the port.
Check in your hotel Baltimore Marriott Waterfront.
Time at leisure to enjoy a waterfront walk, dinner is at leisure.
Day 3 – Baltimore/Washington DC
Breakfast at the hotel.
Board your coach for a 1 – hour transfer to Washington DC.
Make a first stop at Hillwood Estate Museum, a house where presidents, heads of states, ambassadors and politicians were formally entertained in the mid-twentieth century. It was bought by Marjorie Merriweather Post in 1955 who turned it into a museum dedicated to inspiring and educate the public. It now features nearly 20,000 objects from Hillwood’s collection of Russian imperial art, French eighteenth-century decorative art and Marjorie Merriweather Post’s personal collection of apparel, jewelry and accessories. A unique place and collection that will dive you into the American way of life in the XXth century.
A private lunch will be served in at Hillwood Estate.
After lunch, head into Washington DC downtown for a visit of Seat of the Government of the United States. Founded in 1790, The District of Columbia was established as the capital of the United States by the Constitution itself. The location of the new city was to be a compromise: Alexander Hamilton and northern states wanted the new federal government to assume Revolutionary War debts, and Thomas Jefferson and southern states who wanted the capital placed in a location friendly to slave-holding agricultural interests. Ideally located on the Potomac River and near colonial ports, Washington was called “the gateway to the interior”. The city was nearly destroyed during the war of 1812 against Great Britain through the enemy’s fire, along came the reduction of the population. It only increased again during the Civil War that as it quickly became a hub for freed slaves after Emancipation Proclamation.
Walk through iconic memorials, houses, governmental buildings, and streets along with you guide and learn more about how Washington DC became a vibrant and culturally diverse city and how the Great names of history shaped it.
Transfer to your hotel Lyle Washington DC 4*.
Check in your room, the rest of the day and dinner are at leisure.
Day 4 – Washington DC
Transfer to Arlington cemetery, a place of tribute to those who have dedicated their lives to defending the ideals of the country. About 400’000 veterans are currently buried, including service members from every one of American’s major wars. Major figures of the American history are also buried in Arlington, including President John F. Kennedy, Stateman John Foster Dulles or revolutionary William Russell.
Enjoy a more relaxing moment walking on King George Street in old Alexandria.
Time at leisure to enjoy this vibrant area for some shopping or coffee stop.
Head to Georgetown, a small town established as a tobacco port in Maryland, and it was designated a National Historic Landmark. It is marked by a strong African American history as it represented from 30% to 40% of its population at one time.
Lunch will be served in a local restaurant.
After lunch, start your last visit of the programme on the path of Abraham Lincoln. Lincoln became the 16th president of the United States in 1861. Born in Kentucky, he made extraordinary efforts to attain knowledge while working on a farm in Illinois and spent eight years in the Illinois legislature and rode the circuit of courts for many years. He issued the emancipation Proclamation that declared forever free those slaves within the confederacy in 1863, two years in Civil War. He was re-elected in 1864 and was assassinated on April 14th, 1865, at Ford’s Theatre in Washington.
Visit Ford's theater where Abraham Lincoln was murdered. The theater is still in activity and features a museum to learn more about the events.
Return to your hotel.
Rest of the day and dinner at leisure.
Day 5 – Washington DC
After breakfast and check-out, time at leisure depending on your flight schedule.
You will then be transferred to the airport in time for check-in for the PONANT selected flight or any other flight (provided that you have previously communicated your flight schedule to your travel agent).
Your hotels:
Upgraded rooms are also available depending on availability and on a supplement basis. Contact your travel professional for further detail.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Contact of your hotels:
The Sofitel Time Square
45 W 44th Street
New York, NY 10036
Telephone number: (212) 354-8844
The Baltimore Marriott Waterfront
700 Aliceanna Street
Baltimore, MD 21202
Telephone number: (410) 385-3000
Lyle Hotel Washington DC
1731 New Hampshire Avenue
Washington, DC 20009
Telephone number: (202) 964 6750
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 3’300
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 2’820
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 5’220
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.