Deluxe Kabine Deck 3
19 m²
Bei einer Fahrt in der Karibik die üppigen Landschaften Mittelamerikas entdecken, die historischen Städte der Region erkunden, um mehr über die Geschichte der Orte zu erfahren, sich mit den Einheimischen austauschen und unvergessliche Erinnerungen sammeln – all das bietet Ihnen PONANT auf dieser 11-tägigen kreuzfahrt an Bord der Le Champlain.
Während der Reise profitieren Sie von einem im Reisepreis inbegriffenen Landausflug pro Person und pro Anlaufhafen, auszuwählen aus einem von PONANT zusammengestellten Angebot. Tauchen Sie auf dieser Kreuzfahrt von Santo Tomás de Castilla aus in die unglaubliche Geschichte der Maya ein und entdecken Sie die Pyramiden und Heiligtümer der archäologischen Stätte von Quiriguá, die zum UNESCO-Welterbe gehört. Von Puerto Limón aus fahren Sie durch das Labyrinth der Kanäle des Tortuguero-Nationalparks, inmitten eines tropischen Dschungels mit faszinierender Flora und Fauna. Oder entdecken Sie von Bocas Del Toro aus auf der Insel San Cristóbal den traditionellen Kakaoanbau in einem Ngöbe-Dorf.
Der Gesang der Vögel, die dichten tropischen Wälder und die verschlungenen Wurzeln der Mangroven, in denen es vor Leben wimmelt – die Kulisse für Ihre Abenteuer an Land und unvergessliche Momente an Bord der Le Champlain ist atemberaubend schön. Entdecken Sie auf dem Rio Dulce in kleinen einheimischen Booten die vom Fluss geformten Schluchten, die sich zu üppig bewachsenen Ufern öffnen, einer Oase der Ruhe für zahlreiche Vögel wie Kormorane, Silberreiher und Pelikane. Ein weiteres unbekanntes und unberührtes Paradies in Honduras ist La Ensenada. Im botanischen Garten Lancetilla, dem größten tropischen Garten Amerikas, können Sie ein einzigartiges Ökosystem entdecken. In Puerto Limón beherbergt das Reservat Puerto Vargas im Cahuita-Nationalpark eine üppige Tierwelt, darunter Brüllaffen, Weißgesichtskapuziner, Faultiere, Nasenbären, Agutis … nur einen Katzensprung von paradiesischen Stränden entfernt.
Auch Badefreunde und Liebhaber unberührter Landschaften kommen hier voll auf ihre Kosten. In der Karibik, auf der kleinen Vulkaninsel Providence, einer ehemaligen Piratenhochburg vor der Küste Nicaraguas, können Sie das türkisfarbene Wasser und die von Kokospalmen gesäumten Strände genießen und das karibische Flair auf sich wirken lassen. Die Insel Water Caye vor Isla Utila lädt mit weißen Sandstränden und azurblauem Wasser zum Entspannen ein.
Bei Ausflügen können Sie auch unvergessliche Momente mit den einheimischen Gemeinschaften erleben. In Santo Tomás de Castilla empfängt Sie die Garifuna-Gemeinschaft mit einer einzigartigen Darbietung an Bord des Schiffes, mit traditionellen Tänzen und Musik. In Panama, auf dem Archipel von Bocas del Toro, das für seine reiche Artenvielfalt unter Wasser und an Land bekannt ist, erfahren Sie die Geschichte der größten indigenen Gemeinschaft des Landes, den Ngöbe-Buglé.
Ref : BC354 - EC090126
Entdecken Sie die Geheimnisse Mittelamerikas bei einer kreuzfahrt durch sechs Länder mit grünen Landschaften und kulturellen Entdeckungen Während der Kreuzfahrt von einem inkludierten Landausflug* pro...
In Ihrer Kreuzfahrt enthalten
Für mehr Sicherheit organisiert PONANT Ihre Reise vor oder nach der Kreuzfahrt. Dieses Paket ist im Preis Ihrer Kreuzfahrt enthalten.
Für mehr Sicherheit wählt PONANT Flüge aus und kümmert sich um Ihre Transfers für Ihre Reise sowie um Landbesuche vor und nach dem Ausschiffen.
Diese Reise könnte Ihnen auch gefallen...
*Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit und basiert auf der Auslastung des jeweiligen Schiffes. Die Kabinenkategorie, für die dieser Preis gilt, ist möglichweise nicht mehr verfügbar
Prestige Suite auf Deck 6
Wählen Sie eine Kabinenkategorie aus
Ideal clothes for life on board:
During the days spent on board, you are advised to wear comfortable clothes or casual outfits. The entire ship is air-conditioned, so a light sweater, a light jacket or a shawl may be necessary. When moving about in the public areas of the ship and the decks, light but comfortable shoes are recommended.
Informal evening:
In the evening, you are advised to wear smart-casual attire, especially when dining in our restaurants where wearing shorts and tee-shirts is not allowed.
For women:
For men:
Officer’s evening:
For all cruises longer than 8 nights, an Officer’s Evening with a white dress code may be organized. Therefore, we encourage you to bring a stylish white outfit for the occasion (otherwise black and white).
Gala evening:
During the cruise, two gala evenings will be organised on board. Thus, we recommend that you bring one or two formal outfits.
For women:
For men:
A small shop is available on board offering a wide range of outfits, jewellery, leather goods and many accessories.
A laundry service (washing/ironing) is available on board, but unfortunately there are no dry cleaning services. For safety reasons, your cabin is not equipped with an iron.
In your hand luggage, remember to bring any medicines that you need, and possibly a small spare bag of toiletries (in case of delay in the delivery of your baggage by the airline). Remember to always have your travel documents with you in case you need them: hotel vouchers, cruise vouchers, return flight tickets... Never leave them in your hold luggage.
All our cabins have a safe. We recommend not to go ashore with valuable jewellery.
PONANT Aktivitäten
* Vorreservierungen der Landausflüge ab etwa zwei Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt möglich. Anfragen werden nach Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs und unter Berücksichtigung einer entsprechenden Verfügbarkeit bearbeitet.
Einschiffung 09.01.2026 von 16:00 bis 17:00
Abfahrt 09.01.2026 um 18:00
Belize City ist die ehemalige Hauptstadt und die größte Stadt des Landes. Diese lebendige Stadt am Ufer der Karibik ist ein Symbol für die Verschmelzung der britischen, spanischen und Maya-Kulturen. Der Startpunkt für Flüge über das Blue Hole und das Korallenriff ist auch der ideale Ausgangsort, um die Schätze der Maya-Architektur zu entdecken: Die imposanten und geheimnisvollen Ruinen der Tempel und Paläste von Lamanai und Xunantunich erwarten Sie im Herzen des Dschungels. Ein weiteres Erlebnis ist ein Spaziergang an der Mündung des Belize River, auf der Sie mit etwas Glück und Aufmerksamkeit Seekühe, Delfine, Krokodile, Leguane und zahlreiche Wasservogelarten beobachten können.
Ankunft 10.01.2026 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 10.01.2026 am frühen Abend
Man sagt, in den Gewässern des Rio Dulce fließt ein Teil der karibischen Seele. Nur die Motorboote, sogenannte Lanchas, die den Fluss und das Karibische Meer befahren, sind die einzige Möglichkeit, nach Livingston zu gelangen. Denn die kleine, gemütliche Stadt hat keinen direkten Zugang über den Landweg. Hier befinden Sie sich auf dem Gebiet der Garifunas. Die Bewohner, Nachkommen von Sklaven aus Jamaika, verewigen ihre Kultur durch mündliche Überlieferung und Zeremonien. Die Musik der Garifunas mit ihren eingängigen, dem Reggae ähnelnden Klängen und der dazugehörige Tanz im Trommelrhythmus zählen zum Immateriellen Kulturerbe der UNESCO.
Ankunft 11.01.2026
Abfahrt 11.01.2026 am frühen Abend
Die Hafenstadt Santo Tomás de Castilla im Nordosten Guatemalas an den Küsten der Amatique Bay ist der ideale Ausgangspunkt für einen Besuch der fabelhaften Maya-Stätte im Quiriguá-Nationalpark. Dieser seit 1981 zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe zählende Ort ist eine wahrhaftige Brücke zu vergangenen Zeiten, die Sie mitten in eine Kulturlandschaft aus Ruinen und Überresten aus dem 8. Jahrhundert führt.
Ankunft 12.01.2026 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 12.01.2026 am Nachmittag
An der Küste von Honduras bezaubert der kleine Ort La Ensenada mit seinem entspannten Flair und seiner atemberaubenden Landschaft. Nutzen Sie eine Pause, um der einheimischen Bevölkerung zu begegnen und mehr über ihren Alltag und ihre Bräuche zu erfahren. Bei einer Fahrt an Bord eines einheimischen Bootes auf dem Fluss können Sie die Mangrove entdecken, ein weltweit einzigartiges Ökosystem voller Leben.
Ankunft 13.01.2026
Abfahrt 13.01.2026 am späten Nachmittag
Im Archipel der Bahía-Inseln liegen paradiesische Cayes, kleine, geschützte Korallen-Inseln in transparentem, türkisfarbenem Wasser. Die Postkartenlandschaft der weißen, von Kokospalmen gesäumten Sandstrände und Riffe des abgelegenen Eilands Water Caye vor der Insel Utila begeistern alle Liebhaber von Bade- und Schnorchelfreuden.
Ankunft 14.01.2026
Abfahrt 14.01.2026
Genießen Sie während der Überfahrt auf See die zahlreichen Freizeitangebote an Bord. Gönnen Sie sich Entspannung im Spa oder halten Sie sich im Fitnessraum in Form. Lassen Sie sich je nach Jahreszeit zu einem Sprung in den Pool oder zu einem Sonnenbad verlocken. Dieser Reise ohne Zwischenstopp bietet auch Gelegenheit, einer Konferenz oder einer der an Bord angebotenen Vorstellungen beizuwohnen, abhängig von den angebotenen Aktivitäten, oder in der Boutique ein wenig zu shoppen oder die PONANT-Fotografen in ihrem eigenen Bereich aufzusuchen. Wer das offene Meer liebt, bewundert auf dem Oberdeck das Schauspiel der Wogen und kann mit etwas Glück Meerestiere beobachten. Eine zauberhafte kleine Auszeit mit Komfort, Entspannung und Unterhaltung.
Ankunft 15.01.2026 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 15.01.2026 mittags
Die kolumbianische Isla de Providencia liegt in der Nähe der Küste Nicaraguas und gehört zu der Inselgruppe San Andres. Sie trägt den Spitznamen „Blume des Ozeans“, ihre kristallklaren warmen Gewässer und üppigen tropischen Regenwälder sind der Schauplatz von zahlreichen Legenden und Piratengeschichten. Aufgrund der Schönheit ihrer Unterwasserwelt wurde sie von der UNESCO als „Weltreserve der Biosphäre“ eingestuft. Bei einem Spaziergang oder beim Schnorcheln können Sie den natürlichen Reichtum der Insel entdecken. Die Isla de Providencia verspricht eine zauberhafte Auszeit in unberührter, von hübschen bunten Häusern durchzogener Natur.
Ankunft 16.01.2026 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 16.01.2026 am frühen Abend
Die kleine Küstenstadt Puerto Limón wird Sie schlicht verzaubern. Sie liegt am Karibischen Meer. Am Ende des Hafens empfängt Sie die Felsbucht Playa Bonita im Herzen eines von großen Pfirsichpalmen beschatteten Paradieses am glasklaren Wasser. Um die grünen Viertel des Zentrums zu entdecken, können Sie den Weg entlang der Zitronenplantagen nehmen, denen Puerto Limón seinen Namen verdankt. Nehmen Sie sich die Zeit, durch die Straßen mit kleinen Läden in bunten Holzhütten zu bummeln. Und die Erfrischungsstände mit Dächern aus Raphiablättern sind eine willkommene Gelegenheit, sich mit extra für Sie zubereitetem Saft zu erquicken.
Ankunft 17.01.2026 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 18.01.2026 am späten Nachmittag
Wunderschöne weitläufige opalinfarbene Sandstrände, tropische Urwälder, traditionelle bunte Häuser … auf der Inselgruppe Bocas del Toro erwartet Sie ein typisch karibisches Ambiente. Dieser üppige, wilde Garten Eden an der Nordwestküste Panamas besteht aus neun Hauptinseln, die von tausenden kleineren grünen Inseln umgeben sind. Dieses verlorene Paradies beherbergt eine reiche Artenvielfalt und den einzigen Meeresnationalpark Panamas: Isla Bastimentos. Dieses erstaunliche Reservat schützt ein außergewöhnliches Meeresökosystem, das aus einem üppigen Korallenriff sowie über 200 bunten Fischarten und einer Population großer Delfine besteht, die dort dauerhaft leben. Auf Isla Popa treffen Sie die Ngöbe-Buglé, eine indigene Gemeinschaft in Panama, die ihre uralten Traditionen aufrechterhält.
Ankunft 19.01.2026 am frühen Vormittag
Ausschiffung 19.01.2026 um 08:00
Colón ist die zweitgrößte Stadt Panamas und liegt am Eingang des Panamakanals auf der Karibikseite. Heute ist die Stadt ein bedeutender Handelshafen, die Schaffung der Freihandelszone im Jahr 1953 hat erheblich zu ihrem Aufschwung beigetragen. Sie wurde 1850 von den Amerikanern gegründet, die am Bau der Eisenbahnlinie zwischen der Atlantikküste und der Pazifikküste der Landenge von Panama arbeiteten, und überholte die anderen älteren Häfen der Karibik nach der Öffnung des Kanals schnell.
Take a boat ride to discover the natural treasures of the Rio Dulce: its emerald waters, its gorges rising to over 91 metres (299 ft), its lush vegetation and its abundant wildlife.
Heading towards the village of Livingston, where the Rio Dulce meets the Caribbean Sea, immerse yourself in breathtaking panoramas. This 10 km-long branch of the river becomes a canyon with sides covered in palm trees, mahogany, teak and many other tropical species, home to birds such as cormorants, egrets and pelicans.
Led by a guide, you will have plenty of time to observe these feathered inhabitants and immerse yourself in the history of the region.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Nestled in the canyons of the Rio Dulce, the Ak’Tenamit K’eqchi community embodies a remarkable model of resilience and sustainable development, thanks to local arts and crafts and to the support of a visionary Canadian. Discover this fascinating history during an encounter with the families of this community.
Descendants of the Maya, the members of the K’eqchi community settled in the heart of the Guatemalan forest, near Livingston, to flee the civil war that was affecting their country. In this remote region, they long lived in difficult conditions, until their encounter with Steve Duendenhoffer. Driven by a desire to help, the Canadian launched the Ak’Tenamit Project, which was initially a small school for the community’s children.
The project then expanded to include pupils from neighbouring communities and now offers a full educational programme including nature protection, sustainability, customer service, and contemporary economic skills. In addition to education, Ak'Tenamit offers a floating dental clinic, a natural trail for discovering the region’s biodiversity, and an arts and crafts store selling hand-made objects, thus supporting local traditions and supplying a source of sustainable income.
More than a simple development model, the Ak’Tenamit Project represents a veritable revival for a community which, thanks to mutual aid and innovation, has been able to turn its challenges into opportunities; you will see evidence of this during an encounter, featuring traditional music, lunch and arts and crafts.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 180
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into Maya history and fall under the spell of one of the era’s largest and most influential cities: Quiriguá, between ancestral legends and UNESCO World Heritage Site archaeological ruins.
Tucked away in the heart of the luxuriant Izabel jungle, Quiriguá, a veritable break in time, will plunge you into a setting of ruins and vestiges dating back to the 8th century. As you stroll the paths of this archaeological site, the bewitching sounds of nature will envelop you and seem to whisper forgotten legends. The colossal sculpted stelae, the largest in the Maya world, stand proud, defying time and telling epic stories of kings and gods, such as King K'ak' Tiliw Chan Yopaat. As for the royal palaces, the only marble-covered ones in Meso-America, these show the city’s strategic importance in the political Maya world of the era. Each glyph engraved on these monuments resonates like a distant echo of ceremonies and sacrifices. In Quiriguá, each step will take you into a mystical past, where art, spirituality and astronomy combine to unveil the secrets of a fascinating and enigmatic world.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Lancetilla Botanical Garden, on the Caribbean coast of Honduras, is recognised as the largest tropical botanical garden in the Americas. This site offers a rich experience, educating visitors about tropical plants from around the world, while highlighting the local history associated with the banana industry.
Initially created as an experimental station, with the aim of observing how non-native tropical fruits such as the rambutan adapted to the climate, the Lancetilla gardens were developed thanks to land concessions granted by the government to the Tela Railroad Company in exchange for the construction of a Honduran railway line.
Originally dedicated to the production of bananas and other tropical fruits, they now offer visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the history of the country as they observe the rich biodiversity of the gardens and the abundance of birds attracted to this tropical Eden.
During a walk through the forests of centenarian bamboo and the tropical gardens with a local, discover the myriad plants and fruits that make up this unique ecosystem. Your expert will show you the poisonous species (remember, this is an experimental garden) and will take you to meet local inhabitants, who may offer you a taste of some of the fruit or fruit wine they produce. Then, at the Information Centre, enjoy a local tasting before returning to your ship!
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Fall under the spell of the gentle Colombian way of life as you walk around Santa Catalina island, discovering its history, architecture and idyllic landscapes.
Santa Catalina island is very close to Providencia, in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, and offers a concentration of the Caribbean spirit along its golden beaches and opposite the azure blue. During a walk to Warwick Fort, dive into the history of the island’s discovery by Puritans, pirates and filibusters, and admire the houses, which are typical of insular life. Constructed on stilts, they proudly display their colourful façades and like to surround themselves with generous fruit trees, giving the island the appearance of an open-air museum.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Cahuita is one of the most beautiful and picturesque regions on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast, with its breathtaking white beaches, endless coconut trees and a calm sea with crystal-clear waters and coral reefs.
Fall under the spell of the natural splendour and stunning panoramas of the Puerto Vargas Reserve, in the heart of the Cahuita National Park. This protected sanctuary stands out thanks to its countless coconut trees, its crystal-clear waters and stunningly beautiful coral reefs.
The biodiversity is extraordinarily rich, home to emblematic species like howler monkeys, white-faced capuchins, raccoons and sloths. The marshes are a refuge for remarkable bird life, including green ibis, kingfishers and frigatebirds. The reserve, integrated into the National Park, has landscapes that will take your breath away, with white sandy beaches, coconut trees and an exceptionally clear sea.
The territory, mainly made up of marshlands, between the coral platform and the continent, offers a fascinating duality between beaches and tropical forests. A naturalist-guide will lead you through raised walkways, designed to facilitate your exploration of this unique ecosystem. At the end of the visit, you will be able to savour a buffet of tropical fruits in a local restaurant, an epicurean experience that will live up to the natural splendours that have just amazed you.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Considered as the Amazonia of Costa Rica thanks to the intense tropical forest that surrounds them, the Tortuguero Canals will unveil their unique landscapes, where flora and fauna are happily intertwined.
During an exploration aboard a local boat from Moín, discover the Tortuguero canals, waterways shaped by both nature and human hands. In this unique setting, observe the vibrant ecosystem where orchids, water lilies, a multitude of bird species, monkeys, lizards, sloths, and toucans thrive, and admire the spectacle of the lush jungle endlessly reflecting on the water of these navigation channels.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
A small preserved paradise along the Costa Rican border, the Bocas Del Toro archipelago unveils lush and wild nature, featuring idyllic beaches and crystal-clear waters where you may admire fascinating fauna. See for yourself sailing from island to island, between Zapatilla Cay, Coral Cay and Bastimentos.
During a boat excursion, explore three authentic islands and as many preserved landscapes. At Zapatilla Cay, discover the reaches of this azure heaven during a one-hour hike in lush nature, before enjoying its wild beaches.
Then sail in the direction of Coral Cay, where a splendid coral garden awaits you. From the boat or on the edge of the restaurant on stilts, make the most of the crystal-clear waters to go snorkelling, before enjoying a delicious lunch featuring local flavours.
Then, you head to Bastimentos Island, in the eponymous marine reserve, and the Bahia Honda Bay with its incredible sprawling mangrove. Keep your eyes open, for here reign sloths, caimans and many bird species that you will perhaps be able to observe!
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
The Ngäbe community are an indigenous people of remarkable resilience, settled mainly in the west of Panama and in some enclaves in Costa Rica.
In the traditional village of San Cristobal, discover the many cultural riches of the Ngäbe community, before setting off to explore a traditional chocolate plantation in the heart of the jungle. This authentic hamlet will reveal itself to you, with its essential infrastructures and its modest market stalls and dwellings, bearing witness to a preserved way of life. Your itinerary will continue with an immersion in the secrets of this “brown gold”. You will venture into a traditional cocoa plantation, where the jungle and the crop blend in a perfect symbiosis, and observe the local fauna, such as the cardinal frog or the nonchalant sloth. You will see three varieties of cocoa tree and gain insight into the subtilities of a rich ancestral culture.
Back in the village, it will be time to roll up your sleeves and learn the art of chocolate making and all the secrets of how these delights are produced. As custodians of this age-old know-how, the Ngäbe women will guide you through the different stages of this gourmet alchemy, even inviting you to take part in the cocoa processing. This sensorial experience will culminate in a culinary workshop where you will learn how to make chocolate truffles enhanced by local ingredients such as coconut, ginger, cumin and sugar cane. The excursion will end on a note of craftmanship, with the presentation of the process for transforming pita fibres into traditional bags, a veritable local skill. Finally, finish off this odyssey for the senses with a traditional meal, highlighting local products and thus concluding this exceptional cultural and gastronomic immersion.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
A small preserved paradise along the Costa Rican border, the Bocas Del Toro archipelago unveils lush and wild nature, featuring idyllic beaches and crystal-clear waters where you may admire fascinating fauna. See for yourself sailing from island to island, between Zapatilla Cay, Coral Cay and Bastimentos.
During a boat excursion, explore three authentic islands and as many preserved landscapes. At Zapatilla Cay, discover the reaches of this azure heaven during a one-hour hike in lush nature, before enjoying its wild beaches.
Then sail in the direction of Coral Cay, where a splendid coral garden awaits you. From the boat or on the edge of the restaurant on stilts, make the most of the crystal-clear waters to go snorkelling, before enjoying a delicious lunch featuring local flavours.
Then, you head to Bastimentos Island, in the eponymous marine reserve, and the Bahia Honda Bay with its incredible sprawling mangrove. Keep your eyes open, for here reign sloths, caimans and many bird species that you will perhaps be able to observe!
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
The Ngäbe community are an indigenous people of remarkable resilience, settled mainly in the west of Panama and in some enclaves in Costa Rica.
In the traditional village of San Cristobal, discover the many cultural riches of the Ngäbe community, before setting off to explore a traditional chocolate plantation in the heart of the jungle. This authentic hamlet will reveal itself to you, with its essential infrastructures and its modest market stalls and dwellings, bearing witness to a preserved way of life. Your itinerary will continue with an immersion in the secrets of this “brown gold”. You will venture into a traditional cocoa plantation, where the jungle and the crop blend in a perfect symbiosis, and observe the local fauna, such as the cardinal frog or the nonchalant sloth. You will see three varieties of cocoa tree and gain insight into the subtilities of a rich ancestral culture.
Back in the village, it will be time to roll up your sleeves and learn the art of chocolate making and all the secrets of how these delights are produced. As custodians of this age-old know-how, the Ngäbe women will guide you through the different stages of this gourmet alchemy, even inviting you to take part in the cocoa processing. This sensorial experience will culminate in a culinary workshop where you will learn how to make chocolate truffles enhanced by local ingredients such as coconut, ginger, cumin and sugar cane. The excursion will end on a note of craftmanship, with the presentation of the process for transforming pita fibres into traditional bags, a veritable local skill. Finally, finish off this odyssey for the senses with a traditional meal, highlighting local products and thus concluding this exceptional cultural and gastronomic immersion.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Savoir vivre inklusive
Französische Lebenskunst (oder eine entspannte, internationale Atmosphäre an Bord der Paul Gauguin), aufmerksamer Service, feinste Gourmetküche, Freizeitangebote, Spa: Unsere Kreuzfahrten schenken wertvolle Momente voller Ruhe und Entspannung, Abenteuer und Entdeckung. Und mit unserer Vielzahl an bereits inkludierten Leistungen wird aus Ihrer Zeit an Bord eine richtige Auszeit vom Alltag.
For your serenity, PONANT selects a flight and organises the transfer between the airport and the port. This package is included in your cruise fare.
Embarkation day: Cancún/Belize City
Flight Cancun/Belize City.
Approximate flight duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.
Transfer to the port and embarkation.
This programme includes:
This programme does not include:
Please note:
An Bord Ihres Schiffes bieten Ihnen ausgewählte Lektoren kulturelle und historische Einblicke, damit Sie noch mehr über Ihr Reiseziel erfahren können: den Ursprung der lokalen Traditionen, die Geschichte symbolischer Orte, berühmte Persönlichkeiten und historische Helden... Die Experten begleiten Sie während der gesamten Kreuzfahrt, an Bord und bei den Ausflügen an Land, um ihr Know-how und ihre Einsichten mit Ihnen zu teilen.
Unsere Zusatzleistungen
EUR 5’970
EUR 6’725
EUR 3’125
DetailsEnhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed programme.
Day 1 – Cancùn
Meet at Cancùn International Airport in the Arrival hall. Look for PONANT sign. You will be greeted by our local representative off the flight selected by PONANT or any other flight (provided that you have previously communicated your flight schedule to your travel agent).
You will be transferred to the hotel Canopy by Hilton Cancun La Isla 4*.
Day and dinner at leisure.
Overnight at the hotel.
Day 2 – Cancun/Valladolid
After breakfast, board your coach for a two-hour drive to the colonial city of Valladolid, named after a city in Spain and founded in the 16th century. Your guide will bring you to the main cathedral, San Servasio, where you will learn about the history of the city, which was one of the first settlements in the area founded by the Spaniards, as well as the history of the Maya people of the region.
You will then have the opportunity to visit La Casa de los Venados, a private home and national cultural tourism asset. It has the largest museum quality collection of Mexican folk art in private hands. Learn about the history of this house, as well as about the handcrafts and pop art that come from all over Mexico, while touring this amazing home.
Lunch will be served in a local restaurant.
You will then be transferred to your hotel Posada San Juan 4*.
Dinner will be served at the hotel.
Day 3 – Valladolid/Chichen Itza/Bacalar
Depart early in the morning to visit Chichen Itza after a 45-minute drive (breakfast will be served as a lunch box).
You will visit Mexico’s most famous archaeological site, Chichen Itza. Named for the large cenotes (natural wells fed by underground rivers) on the site that provided the otherwise dry landscape with life-giving water, Chichen Itza is an iconic example of the elaborate Mayan architecture. An important city in the Mayan region between 600 CE and about 900 CE, Chichen Itza reflects different periods of architecture as well as different regional influences. Discover why Chichen Itza has held its place in the imaginations of visitors for hundreds of years, helping to answer questions about the life of the ancient Mayans, while having confounded historians for centuries with its seemingly endless mysteries. You will walk through the spectacular ruins with a professional guide, who will share facts about the buildings and their significance to the larger Mayan way of life, as well as explain the legacy of their ingenious culture.
After the visit, board your coach for a two-and-a-half-hour drive to a local restaurant where lunch will be served.
Then, drive to Bacalar (one hour and a half) and check-in at your ecolodge at Habitas Bacalar 5*.
Meet by the laguna at sunset and enjoy a private mezcal tasting.
Dinner will be served at the hotel's restaurant.
Day 4 – Bacalar
During this full day at the hotel Habitas Bacalar, enjoy some time at leisure to take in the peaceful environment and the laguna, on your own.
Lunch and dinner will be served at the hotel.
Day 5 – Bacalar/Becan/Kohunlich
Enjoy a tasty local breakfast with a view. After check out, depart for Becan (two-hour drive).
Becan is an archaeological site of the Maya civilization in pre-Columbian Mesoamerica. The first settlement dates to the middle of the Preclassic Era. Monumental architecture appeared by the late Preclassic Era as the site grew in economic and political importance. Many trade goods from the Mexican cultural and administrative centre of the era, Teotihuacan, have been found here. The name Becan was bestowed on the site by archaeologists who rediscovered the site, and it means "ravine or canyon formed by water" in Yukatek Maya, named after the site's most prominent and unusual feature, its surrounding ditch.
After your visit, drive for one hour to your next stop, Explorean Kohunlich 5*.
Lunch will be served at the hotel.
Meet your guide for a visit to Kohunlinch, a Maya site located a few minutes away from the hotel. The site is best known for its Temple of the Masks, an early Classic pyramid whose central stairway is flanked by huge humanized stucco masks. The Temple was built around 500 A.D. and is one of the oldest structures at Kohunlich. After 700 A.D., this temple was covered over with a late Classic construction, which protected the masks and preserved them in the marvellous state they find themselves in today. The only standing remains of the later temple are some steps in the lower portion of the stairs.
Return to your hotel.
Diner will be served at the hotel.
Day 6 – Kohunlich/Belize City
After check-out, board your bus for one-and-a-half-hour drive to the border of Mexico and Belize.
After finishing the border crossing procedures, enter Belize and drive for two hours to reach the Maya site of Altun Ha.
It is an important archaeological zone from the Classic Period (200-900 A.D.). Many exotic trade items have been discovered here, the most important being the largest jade artifact known to be from the Maya area. The archaeological park contains a large selection of flora and fauna typical of lowland tropical forests.
After the visit, drive an hour to Belize City to enjoy lunch in a local restaurant.
You will then be transferred to the pier to embark on board your ship.
Your hotels:
Canopy by Hilton Cancun La Isla 4* is a luxury hotel overlooking Nichupté Lagoon and the Caribbean Sea. It is a three-minute walk from La Isla Entertainment Village which offers many shops and restaurants, and 700 meters from the beach. There is a rooftop terrace with bar and outdoor pool, the hotel also has a restaurant serving American, Caribbean and Mexican cuisine.
Located in the historic centre of Valladolid, the Hotel Posada San Juan 4* is a small charming hotel distributed in two beautifully preserved colonial houses. There is an outdoor swimming pool surrounded by beautiful gardens and terraces. The restaurant offers local specialties made with fresh produce, the rooms have wooden furniture, ceiling fans and a hammock.
The Habitas Bacalar 5* is a luxury retreat that allows you reconnect with nature, with a private lagoon access and a gourmet restaurant. The lodges are spread across the property, in between the Mayan jungle and the Bacalar Lagoon. Each room features air conditioning and an outdoor rain shower.
The Explorean Kohunlich 4* is an all-inclusive jungle Resort offering a nature experience. It features an infinity pool, and all rooms are bungalow-style and feature air-conditioning, a private patio, and a hammock.
Upgraded rooms are also available depending on availability and on a supplement basis. Contact your travel professional for further detail.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Contact of your hotels :
Canopy by Hilton Cancun La Isla 4*
Blvd. Kukulcan S N-Km. 12.5, La Isla, Zona Hotelera
77500 Cancún, Q.R., Mexico
Telephone : +52 998 689 1193
Posada San Juan Hotel 4*
C. 40 231B, entre 49 y 51, San Juan,
97784 Valladolid, Yuc., Mexico
Telephone : +52 985 856 0129
Habitas Bacalar 5*
Carretera Federal 307 Xul Ha
Bacalar, 77963, Mexico
Telephone number: +52 983 980 1388
Explorean Kohunlich 4*
Km 5.6 Carretera Chetumal Escárcega
Chetumal, 77981, Mexico
Telephone number: +52 983 689 0042
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 3’600
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 350
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.
Take a boat ride to discover the natural treasures of the Rio Dulce: its emerald waters, its gorges rising to over 91 metres (299 ft), its lush vegetation and its abundant wildlife.
Heading towards the village of Livingston, where the Rio Dulce meets the Caribbean Sea, immerse yourself in breathtaking panoramas. This 10 km-long branch of the river becomes a canyon with sides covered in palm trees, mahogany, teak and many other tropical species, home to birds such as cormorants, egrets and pelicans.
Led by a guide, you will have plenty of time to observe these feathered inhabitants and immerse yourself in the history of the region.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Nestled in the canyons of the Rio Dulce, the Ak’Tenamit K’eqchi community embodies a remarkable model of resilience and sustainable development, thanks to local arts and crafts and to the support of a visionary Canadian. Discover this fascinating history during an encounter with the families of this community.
Descendants of the Maya, the members of the K’eqchi community settled in the heart of the Guatemalan forest, near Livingston, to flee the civil war that was affecting their country. In this remote region, they long lived in difficult conditions, until their encounter with Steve Duendenhoffer. Driven by a desire to help, the Canadian launched the Ak’Tenamit Project, which was initially a small school for the community’s children.
The project then expanded to include pupils from neighbouring communities and now offers a full educational programme including nature protection, sustainability, customer service, and contemporary economic skills. In addition to education, Ak'Tenamit offers a floating dental clinic, a natural trail for discovering the region’s biodiversity, and an arts and crafts store selling hand-made objects, thus supporting local traditions and supplying a source of sustainable income.
More than a simple development model, the Ak’Tenamit Project represents a veritable revival for a community which, thanks to mutual aid and innovation, has been able to turn its challenges into opportunities; you will see evidence of this during an encounter, featuring traditional music, lunch and arts and crafts.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 180
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Dive into Maya history and fall under the spell of one of the era’s largest and most influential cities: Quiriguá, between ancestral legends and UNESCO World Heritage Site archaeological ruins.
Tucked away in the heart of the luxuriant Izabel jungle, Quiriguá, a veritable break in time, will plunge you into a setting of ruins and vestiges dating back to the 8th century. As you stroll the paths of this archaeological site, the bewitching sounds of nature will envelop you and seem to whisper forgotten legends. The colossal sculpted stelae, the largest in the Maya world, stand proud, defying time and telling epic stories of kings and gods, such as King K'ak' Tiliw Chan Yopaat. As for the royal palaces, the only marble-covered ones in Meso-America, these show the city’s strategic importance in the political Maya world of the era. Each glyph engraved on these monuments resonates like a distant echo of ceremonies and sacrifices. In Quiriguá, each step will take you into a mystical past, where art, spirituality and astronomy combine to unveil the secrets of a fascinating and enigmatic world.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Lancetilla Botanical Garden, on the Caribbean coast of Honduras, is recognised as the largest tropical botanical garden in the Americas. This site offers a rich experience, educating visitors about tropical plants from around the world, while highlighting the local history associated with the banana industry.
Initially created as an experimental station, with the aim of observing how non-native tropical fruits such as the rambutan adapted to the climate, the Lancetilla gardens were developed thanks to land concessions granted by the government to the Tela Railroad Company in exchange for the construction of a Honduran railway line.
Originally dedicated to the production of bananas and other tropical fruits, they now offer visitors the opportunity to immerse themselves in the history of the country as they observe the rich biodiversity of the gardens and the abundance of birds attracted to this tropical Eden.
During a walk through the forests of centenarian bamboo and the tropical gardens with a local, discover the myriad plants and fruits that make up this unique ecosystem. Your expert will show you the poisonous species (remember, this is an experimental garden) and will take you to meet local inhabitants, who may offer you a taste of some of the fruit or fruit wine they produce. Then, at the Information Centre, enjoy a local tasting before returning to your ship!
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Fall under the spell of the gentle Colombian way of life as you walk around Santa Catalina island, discovering its history, architecture and idyllic landscapes.
Santa Catalina island is very close to Providencia, in the waters of the Caribbean Sea, and offers a concentration of the Caribbean spirit along its golden beaches and opposite the azure blue. During a walk to Warwick Fort, dive into the history of the island’s discovery by Puritans, pirates and filibusters, and admire the houses, which are typical of insular life. Constructed on stilts, they proudly display their colourful façades and like to surround themselves with generous fruit trees, giving the island the appearance of an open-air museum.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Cahuita is one of the most beautiful and picturesque regions on Costa Rica’s Caribbean coast, with its breathtaking white beaches, endless coconut trees and a calm sea with crystal-clear waters and coral reefs.
Fall under the spell of the natural splendour and stunning panoramas of the Puerto Vargas Reserve, in the heart of the Cahuita National Park. This protected sanctuary stands out thanks to its countless coconut trees, its crystal-clear waters and stunningly beautiful coral reefs.
The biodiversity is extraordinarily rich, home to emblematic species like howler monkeys, white-faced capuchins, raccoons and sloths. The marshes are a refuge for remarkable bird life, including green ibis, kingfishers and frigatebirds. The reserve, integrated into the National Park, has landscapes that will take your breath away, with white sandy beaches, coconut trees and an exceptionally clear sea.
The territory, mainly made up of marshlands, between the coral platform and the continent, offers a fascinating duality between beaches and tropical forests. A naturalist-guide will lead you through raised walkways, designed to facilitate your exploration of this unique ecosystem. At the end of the visit, you will be able to savour a buffet of tropical fruits in a local restaurant, an epicurean experience that will live up to the natural splendours that have just amazed you.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Considered as the Amazonia of Costa Rica thanks to the intense tropical forest that surrounds them, the Tortuguero Canals will unveil their unique landscapes, where flora and fauna are happily intertwined.
During an exploration aboard a local boat from Moín, discover the Tortuguero canals, waterways shaped by both nature and human hands. In this unique setting, observe the vibrant ecosystem where orchids, water lilies, a multitude of bird species, monkeys, lizards, sloths, and toucans thrive, and admire the spectacle of the lush jungle endlessly reflecting on the water of these navigation channels.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
A small preserved paradise along the Costa Rican border, the Bocas Del Toro archipelago unveils lush and wild nature, featuring idyllic beaches and crystal-clear waters where you may admire fascinating fauna. See for yourself sailing from island to island, between Zapatilla Cay, Coral Cay and Bastimentos.
During a boat excursion, explore three authentic islands and as many preserved landscapes. At Zapatilla Cay, discover the reaches of this azure heaven during a one-hour hike in lush nature, before enjoying its wild beaches.
Then sail in the direction of Coral Cay, where a splendid coral garden awaits you. From the boat or on the edge of the restaurant on stilts, make the most of the crystal-clear waters to go snorkelling, before enjoying a delicious lunch featuring local flavours.
Then, you head to Bastimentos Island, in the eponymous marine reserve, and the Bahia Honda Bay with its incredible sprawling mangrove. Keep your eyes open, for here reign sloths, caimans and many bird species that you will perhaps be able to observe!
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
The Ngäbe community are an indigenous people of remarkable resilience, settled mainly in the west of Panama and in some enclaves in Costa Rica.
In the traditional village of San Cristobal, discover the many cultural riches of the Ngäbe community, before setting off to explore a traditional chocolate plantation in the heart of the jungle. This authentic hamlet will reveal itself to you, with its essential infrastructures and its modest market stalls and dwellings, bearing witness to a preserved way of life. Your itinerary will continue with an immersion in the secrets of this “brown gold”. You will venture into a traditional cocoa plantation, where the jungle and the crop blend in a perfect symbiosis, and observe the local fauna, such as the cardinal frog or the nonchalant sloth. You will see three varieties of cocoa tree and gain insight into the subtilities of a rich ancestral culture.
Back in the village, it will be time to roll up your sleeves and learn the art of chocolate making and all the secrets of how these delights are produced. As custodians of this age-old know-how, the Ngäbe women will guide you through the different stages of this gourmet alchemy, even inviting you to take part in the cocoa processing. This sensorial experience will culminate in a culinary workshop where you will learn how to make chocolate truffles enhanced by local ingredients such as coconut, ginger, cumin and sugar cane. The excursion will end on a note of craftmanship, with the presentation of the process for transforming pita fibres into traditional bags, a veritable local skill. Finally, finish off this odyssey for the senses with a traditional meal, highlighting local products and thus concluding this exceptional cultural and gastronomic immersion.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed programme.
Take advantage of two days to discover the richness of Panama City's historic centre, to visit the monumental canal and the famous locks opening the passage to gigantic ships from coast to coast. This programme will be an ideal conclusion to your cruise.
Day 1 – Colón/Panama City
After disembarkation procedures are completed, you will be greeted at the port by our local representative.
You will depart the pier by coach for Gamboa (approximately a 1h drive).
You will first do a boat trip through the Panama Canal waterways to visit the islands that once upon time were mountains and were created when the area was flooded to form the Gatun Lake. You will also visit the orchiderarium, butterfly house, fresh water aquarium and snake house.
Lunch in a local restaurant.
You will continue your day with a sightseeing tour of Panama City. You will be taken first to Miraflores locks, the so-called “Eighth Wonder of the world”. Panama Canal is one of the most celebrated human achievements on the planet. Upon arrival at Miraflores Visitors Centre, you will visit the exhibition halls and learn about the Panama Canal’s history, its impact on international trade, how it works, its close relationship with nature and the Canal Expansion. From one of Miraflores observation terraces, you will be able to watch the lock gates open and close as vessels begin or end their transit, and you may observe transiting vessels from a distance of only a few meters while you learn about the various operations of the Panama Canal (cannot be guaranteed depending on Panama Canal timetable).
You will then discover the turbulent past of Panama City, in Casco Antiguo (or Casco Viejo) which is the historic part and the cultural gem of this vibrant metropolis. After the destruction of the first Panama City by pirate Henry Morgan, Casco Antiguo became the second Panama City. It was established around 1673 by French colonialists, the Catholic Church and other settlers. This is where much of the impressive colonial and Baroque architecture remains today. The modern, cosmopolitan areas of Panama City add a third layer to this historically rich city. You will get the chance to explore on your own the neighbourhood of Casco Antiguo with its colonial style government buildings, old churches and grand plazas. Casco Antiguo has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.
You will be transferred to the Hilton 5* hotel.
Check-in and dinner at leisure.
Day 2 - Panama City
Breakfast at the hotel.
Late check-out is included until 6 pm.
Day at leisure.
You will then be transferred to the airport in time for check-in of the PONANT selected flight, or any other flight (please make sure to previously communicate your flight schedule to your travel agent).
Your hotel:
The Hilton Panama 5* is a few steps away from the ocean front walkway, and two blocks away from the Financial District. Guest rooms offer views of the Panama Bay and the Pacific Ocean. They feature contemporary design and modern amenities including Wi-Fi access and a HDTV. You will find at your disposal a fitness centre, a spa and a top roof pool.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note :
Contact of your hotel:
Hilton Hotel
Balboa Avenida & Aquilino de la Guardia
Panama City, PANAMA
Telephone: + 507 280 8000
Duration of the visits are given as a guide only. The order of the visits may be reversed. For the times of your PONANT flight, please contact your travel agent; they are also shown on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 640
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed programme.
Take advantage of four days to discover the richness of Panama City's historic centre, the natural beauties and visit the Gehry Museum of Biodiversity, not forgetting the monumental canal and the famous locks opening the passage to gigantic ships from coast to coast. This programme will be an ideal conclusion to your cruise.
Day 1 – Colón/Panama City
After disembarkation procedures are completed, you will be greeted at the port by our local representative.
You will depart the pier by coach for Gamboa (approximately a 1h drive).
You will first do a boat trip through the Panama Canal waterways to visit the islands that once upon time were mountains and were created when the area was flooded to form the Gatun Lake. You will also visit the sloth sanctuary, orchidarium, butterfly house, fresh water aquarium and snake house.
Lunch will be served at a local restaurant.
After lunch and a transfer to Panama City, you will visit the Old Panama Ruins, first European city built in the Pacific coast of the Americas.
You will then be transferred to the hotel Sofitel Legend Casco Viejo 5*.
Check-in and dinner at leisure.
Day 2 - Panama City
Breakfast at the hotel.
You will start your day with a sightseeing tour of Panama City. You will be taken first to Miraflores locks, the so-called “Eighth Wonder of the world”. Panama Canal is one of the most celebrated human achievements on the planet. Upon arrival at Miraflores Visitors Centre, you will visit the exhibition halls and learn about the Panama Canal’s history, its impact on international trade, how it works, its close relationship with nature and the Canal Expansion. From one of Miraflores observation terraces, you will be able to watch the lock gates open and close as vessels begin or end their transit, and you may observe transiting vessels from a distance of only a few meters while you learn about the various operations of the Panama Canal (cannot be guaranteed depending on Panama Canal timetable).
You will then discover the turbulent past of Panama City, in Casco Antiguo (or Casco Viejo) which is the historic part and the cultural gem of this vibrant metropolis. After the destruction of the first Panama City by pirate Henry Morgan, Casco Antiguo became the second Panama City. It was established around 1673 by French colonialists, the Catholic Church and other settlers. This is where much of the impressive colonial and Baroque architecture remains today. The modern, cosmopolitan areas of Panama City add a third layer to this historically rich city. Casco Antiguo has been declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997.
You will continue with the visit of the Mola Museum that opened in 2019. It was created to give relevance to the ancient culture of the Guna people represented in the mola. The mola is an indigenous textile art sewn into panels with complex designs, beautiful colours and multiple layers using a reverse appliqué technique that identifies the Guna community in Panama, you will enjoy beautiful display of many pieces at this small one floor quaint museum.
Lunch will be served at a local restaurant.
After lunch, take part to a private Mola workshop with a Guna woman and artisan who through her art safeguards the traditions of her people and pays tribute to their culture, inspired mainly by the biodiversity of Panama. The workshop has a duration of 2 hours, starting with the history and meaning of the Molas in Panama, and continuing with the project that consist in the creation of a handkerchief.
Walk back to the hotel.
Time and dinner at leisure.
Day 3 - Panama City
Breakfast at the hotel.
Start your day at the Biomuseo, also called the Gehry’s Museum in honour of its world-renowned architect Frank Gehry. The building is designed to recall the creation of the isthmus of Panama which linked two continents and changed the planet’s biodiversity forever. The event that would change natural history for both continents occurred around three million years ago. Species from both continents mingled as northern animals went south and southern animals went north. The Biomuseo’s 4,000 square metres describe the country’s rich biodiversity.
Lunch will be served at a local restaurant.
Continue with the Agua Clara Locks is the largest project at the Canal since its original construction that created a new lane of traffic along the Canal through the construction of a new set of locks, doubling the waterway’s capacity, be a witness of this major undertaking by visiting the New Observation Centre of the Canal Expansion.
The new Observation Centre of the Canal Expansion, located in Colon Panama, is a park style concept based on open platforms and roofed terraces, built in an area of four hectares, 400 visitors, simultaneously, will be able to enjoy in this new centre, the construction of the new locks of the Panama Canal in the Atlantic, at the same time, from its privileged location, visitors see the majestic Gatun Lake, where ships continue their transit through the waterway.
Way back to your hotel, time and dinner at leisure.
Day 4 - Panama City
Breakfast at the hotel.
Late check-out is included until 6 pm.
Day at leisure.
You will then be transferred to the airport in time for check-in of the PONANT selected flight, or any other flight (please make sure to previously communicate your flight schedule to your travel agent).
Your hotel:
The Sofitel Legend Casco Viejo 5* is located in the heart of the Casco Antiguo of Panama City, a UNESCO protected site and declared a World Heritage Site by the United Nations. It enjoys a privileged location facing the sea, facilities that blend historical heritage with modernity and impeccable service. It is an architectural beauty, built in the Bay of Panama City with important buildings around such as the National Theatre, the San José del Altar de Oro Church and a few minutes from the Biomuseo. The hotel features 3 restaurants and cafés, 2 bars and the largest outdoor pool deck in Casco Antiguo.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note :
Contact of your hotel:
Sofitel Legend Casco Viejo
Calle Primera Oeste, San Felipe, Casco Viejo
Telephone: +507 302-4300
Duration of the visits are given as a guide only. The order of the visits may be reversed. For the times of your PONANT flight, please contact your travel agent; they are also shown on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 1’800
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 5’970
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 6’725
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 1’810
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 3’125
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.