I heard the call of the sea very early on, chose my profession and decided to write, draw and sail.
With a diploma in scientific and technical drawing, a very demanding sector, I have always worked. I live and work in Sète and my roots are in that port city. But my work is not satisfied with mere force of habit. The port is my playground and the sea a supremely poetic place, where there is solidarity among people. Reliability / reactivity / solidarity.
Riding the waves, my body is always put to the test and endures what the swell has to throw at me. Despite this, nothing pleases me more than to work onboard ship. My notebooks shed light on life aboard and the crews, be they merchant or military.
Hailing from a line of Andalusians, I work in Seville on the flamenco’s identity, its power and codes. And since the age of 13 have felt at home in Tangier, the visceral attraction of which remains a mystery to me.
Among many exhibitions, the one in the Museum of the World Ocean at Kaliningrad in Russia remains my fondest memory, in collaboration with the Baltic Marine Academy and senior officers and crew of the Russian Cape Horner, the Kruzenshtern.
Thalassa followed me at sea, my work has been the subject of reports on BFM, France 2, regional news programmes, La Marine Nationale Cols Bleus review, Chasse-Marée and other specialist arts magazines. I have done stamp work for collectors: the Merchant Navy and the frigate Hermione, designed the last stamp for the Jeanne d’Arc helicopter carrier, a mission chart, a campaign album and others. My travel diaries are published by Magellan&Cie. I am accredited by the Latécoère Foundation and the frigate Hermione and have been running travel diary courses ashore and at sea for over 15 years.
A multi-undisciplined free spirit, I obey my intuition, I do not give in to what is in fashion.
Language spoken: french
Photo credit: ARR