Für welchen Zeitraum?


Philippe Legrand

Philippe Legrand

Philippe Legrand is a journalist, author, radio and Tv speaker for the last thirty years. On Europe 1 radio, he is in charge of the broadcast L'Entretien Une date Une histoire. With France 3 TV, Face Caméra is shown in front of 6 millions of telespectators. He has published 14 books and received Le Prix du Livre de l'Année 2022 for his book J'avais dix ans à Bergen-Belsen. His book on Mère Teresa has reached more than two millions of lectors and inspired the British movie on the Mother of Calcutta. He is the Director of Editorial Diversification of Paris Match, the first French newsmagazine. He received on 2021, the title of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres by the French Minister of the Culture. For the last ten years, he is a co-speaker for the Paris Match cruise's in partnership with Ponant. 

Language spoken: French


Photo credit: Paris Match/E1