Founding-President of the think tank le Cercle Polaire
Laurent Mayet is the co-founder of the think tank Le Cercle Polaire which focuses on developing a greater knowledge and better governance of the polar regions (political lobbying and cultural and educational actions). He is the co-director of the revue North and South Poles with Stéphane Hergueta and returns regularly to both the Arctic and the Antarctic, including the geographical Poles.
He held the positions of Special Advisor to the former Prime Minister Michel Rocard, Ambassador for Polar Affairs, and Interministerial Coordinator of the National Roadmap for the Arctic from 2009 to 2016, Special Representative on Polar Affairs (2016-2017) and Deputy Ambassador in charge of Ocean Affairs (2018) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He is currently in charge of Polar Issues at the Ministry of Education and Youth.
A Navy reservist, in September 2016, he received the Medal for Voluntary Military Service, Bronze Class, in recognition of outstanding chairmanship in the working group Alidade on the Arctic at the Navy Centre of Strategic Studies (CESM), which led to the publication of a significant report on the “opening up of the Arctic marine areas.”
An engineer and oceanographer, he holds the superior teaching degree in physical sciences in France and a postgraduate degree in the philosophy of science.
Languages spoken : french, english and spanish
Photo crédit :© lecerclepolaire