Superior Kabine
15% Ponant Bonus
21 m²
Gaumenfreuden, sinnliche Genüsse und kulinarische Entdeckungen: Unter diesem Motto steht die Gourmet-Kreuzfahrt in Partnerschaft mit dem Pariser Palais Le Meurice und dem Weingut Château Latour. Diese kulinarische Reise wird begleitet von Amaury Bouhours, Executive Chef des Le Meurice vom 3. bis 5. Mai, und Jérôme Lacressonnière, Direktor bei DUCASSE Conseil.
Wecken Sie 10 Tage lang Ihre Sinne und Emotionen bei der Fahrt entlang der portugiesischen, spanischen und französischen Küste bei Kochvorführungen, Weinproben, unvergesslichen Dinners und Gesprächen mit renommierten Experten an Bord. Einzigartige Momente vor diesen symbolträchtigen Städten, in denen das gastronomische Erbe noch immer lebendig ist.
Während Ihrer gesamten Reise profitieren Sie von einem bereits im Reisepreis inkludierten Landausflug pro Anlaufhafen und Person. Dieser ist aus einem vom PONANT sorgfältig zusammengestellten Angebot auszuwählen. Auf dieser Kreuzfahrt können Sie von Pauillac aus die berühmte „Route des Châteaux du Médoc“ befahren, bewundern Sie die berühmten Werke des Guggenheim-Museums in Bilbao oder von Vigo aus die letzten Kilometer des Jakobsweges nach Santiago de Compostela zurücklegen. Die Vielfalt der angebotenen Erlebnisse verspricht ebenso intensive wie abwechslungsreiche Momente (gesamtes Angebot unter dem Reiter „Reiseroute » einsehbar).
In Lissabon, der portugiesischen Hauptstadt mit den sieben Hügeln, gehen Sie an Bord. Ihr Schiff nimmt Kurs auf den Hafen von Leixões, dem Tor zu der Stadt Porto.
Anschließend fahren Sie weiter nach Galicien in die Stadt Vigo, den größten Fischereihafen Spaniens. Ein Besuch der nicht weit entfernten Stadt Santiago de Compostela bietet sich an. Dieser bedeutende Pilgerort besitzt zahlreiche Monumente im römischen, gotischen und barocken Baustil, Zeugen seiner reichen Vergangenheit.
Als nächstes steuert die Le Lyrial Bilbao an, die Hauptstadt des spanischen Baskenlandes. Zwischen architektonischem Wagemut und Wahrung alter Traditionen – überzeugen Sie sich selbst von der einzigartigen Energie, die von der Stadt ausgeht.
Ihre Entdeckungsreise durch das Baskenland endet an der französischen Küste, mit einem Stopp in Saint-Jean-de-Luz, bevor Sie die schöne Festungsstadt Talmont-sur-Gironde erreichen.
Bei Ihrem letzten Stopp in Pauillac haben Sie Gelegenheit zu mehreren Besuchen und Verkostungen auf schönen Weingütern der Appellationen (Weinbaugebiete) Saint-Estephe, Margaux und Pauillac.
Ihre Kreuzfahrt endet in Bordeaux, der Welthauptstadt des Weins.
Ref : LY290425
In Partnerschaft mit Le Meurice und Château Latour und mit der außergewöhnlichen Anwesenheit von Amaury Bouhours, Executive Chef des Le Meurice, vom 3. bis 5. Mai, und Jérôme Lacressonnière,...
Unsere Gastkünstler
Für mehr Sicherheit wählt PONANT Flüge aus und kümmert sich um Ihre Transfers für Ihre Reise sowie um Landbesuche vor und nach dem Ausschiffen.
Diese Reise könnte Ihnen auch gefallen...
*Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit und basiert auf der Auslastung des jeweiligen Schiffes. Die Kabinenkategorie, für die dieser Preis gilt, ist möglichweise nicht mehr verfügbar
Wählen Sie eine Kabinenkategorie aus
Amaury Bouhours
After his studies at the Soissons Hospitality School, Amaury secured an internship at the Louis XV – Alain Ducasse, in Monaco, in 2008. For the young 18-year-old, the experience was crucial : “I had always wanted to work in haute cuisine restaurants. But there, all of a sudden, I was leaping from dream to reality and that was when everything really clicked into place”. It was also the beginning of his discovery of the Ducassian cuisine, of precision and exceptional produce. Alain Ducasse quickly recognised this promising young beginner’s potential. So here was Amaury setting off in 2009 as commis in the Restaurant Alain Ducasse at the Plaza Athénée, in Paris. He stayed there for six years, successively under the direction of Christophe Moret, Christophe Saintagne then Romain Meder. New establishment, new and significant encounters: “the rhythm was really intense, but that enabled me to save an untold amount of time. I really learnt about every aspect of cooking, from respect for the produce through to the ideal cooking method and the ideal seasoning.” He quickly rose to the position of Head Chef de Partie then Junior Sous-Chef. He then joined Adrien Trouilloud as Sous-Chef at Lasserre : “I learnt a great deal with Adrien too, notably regarding sauces and rotisserie, areas in which he excels”.
In 2016, Amaury joined Le Meurice – Alain Ducasse as Jocelyn Herland’s assistant Chef de Cuisine. When the latter left in June 2020, it was quite natural that Alain Ducasse should entrust the reins of the establishment to Amaury : “If I chose Amaury, it was because he has the potential to embody a new stage in the life of the restaurant at Le Meurice.”
Languages spoken: french, spanish and english.
Photo credit : Maki Manoukian
Ideal clothes for life on board:
During the days spent on board, you are advised to wear comfortable clothes or casual outfits. The entire ship is air-conditioned, so a light sweater, a light jacket or a shawl may be necessary. When moving about in the public areas of the ship and the decks, light but comfortable shoes are recommended.
Informal evening:
In the evening, you are advised to wear smart-casual attire, especially when dining in our restaurants where wearing shorts and tee-shirts is not allowed.
For women:
For men:
Officer’s evening:
For all cruises longer than 8 nights, an Officer’s Evening with a white dress code may be organized. Therefore, we encourage you to bring a stylish white outfit for the occasion (otherwise black and white).
Gala evening:
During the cruise, two gala evenings will be organised on board. Thus, we recommend that you bring one or two formal outfits.
For women:
For men:
A small shop is available on board offering a wide range of outfits, jewellery, leather goods and many accessories.
A laundry service (washing/ironing) is available on board, but unfortunately there are no dry cleaning services. For safety reasons, your cabin is not equipped with an iron.
In your hand luggage, remember to bring any medicines that you need, and possibly a small spare bag of toiletries (in case of delay in the delivery of your baggage by the airline). Remember to always have your travel documents with you in case you need them: hotel vouchers, cruise vouchers, return flight tickets... Never leave them in your hold luggage.
All our cabins have a safe. We recommend not to go ashore with valuable jewellery.
PONANT Aktivitäten
Le Meurice
So much more than a luxury hotel, Le Meurice is a living work of art, where the world’s renowned creatives have found their inspiration since 1835. At the original palace hotel in the heart of historic Paris, French craftsmanship and elegance are celebrated with a true contemporary twist.
Many of the rooms and suites overlook the beautiful Tuileries Garden including the exceptional Belle Etoile Penthouse Suite with Terrace, from which you can see 18 of the city’s famous landmarks.
The two Michelin-starred Restaurant le Meurice Alain Ducasse serves refined, modern cuisine in a splendid setting inspired by Versailles. Restaurant Le Dalí specialises in delicious brasserie dishes and award-winning pastry chef Cedric Grolet serves up a spectacular parade of sweet treats. For well-being, La Maison Valmont pour Le Meurice is an oasis of calm, offering the finest spa treatments.
Chateau Latour
Château Latour is situated in the heart of the Médoc wine region, about 50 km north-west of Bordeaux, where the legend of the vineyards of Bordeaux began. The Château’s prime terroir, l’Enclos, overlooks the Gironde estuary, which, over the centuries, has given the vineyard its geological complexity and, on a daily basis, ensures a mild climate.
Most of Château Latour’s vines are planted on gravelly hilltops that stand 12 to 16 meters above the Gironde estuary. The fortunate combination of the Gironde, layers of gravel on the surface and clay subsoil gives Château Latour’s terroir advantages that few other vineyards can claim. It is the grapes from the 47 hectares that surround the Château, known as “l’Enclos” that may potentially be used in the production of the Grand Vin. The estate is planted with about 76% of Cabernet Sauvignon, 22% of Merlot and 2% of Petit Verdot.
In the years since 1993, under the leadership of François Pinault, the estate’s owner, significant changes have been made with a view to maintaining Château Latour’s pursuit of excellence in the wines that it produces. The Estate takes holistic approach towards environmental sustainability and obtained organic certification in 2018.
The 96.5 hectares of the Estate are headed by Frederic Engerer and managed locally by Jean-Marc Pistre, Estate Director, and Hélène Genin, Technical Director. All the men and women working at Château Latour in both the vineyard and the cellar are motivated by a search for perfection.
Ducasse Conseil
DUCASSE Conseil is a business of DUCASSE Paris dedicated to passing on its expertise.
Our hotel-restaurant consulting team offers simple and effective solutions based on Alain Ducasse’s values of excellence.
We put our wide range of expertise and responsible vision at the service of catering establishments in France and abroad.
DUCASSE Conseil consultant chefs come from the teams working in our restaurants and the DUCASSE Paris network. They are very much at the heart of our culinary philosophy and have been sharing it with the teams at PONANT since our partnership began in 2016.
Vorbehaltlich des Widerrufs im Falle von höherer Gewalt
*Vorreservierungen der Landausflüge ab etwa zwei Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt möglich. Anfragen werden nach Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs und unter Berücksichtigung einer entsprechenden Verfügbarkeit bearbeitet.
Einschiffung 29.04.2025 von 16:00 bis 17:00
Abfahrt 29.04.2025 um 18:00
Die portugiesische Hauptstadt, die an den Ufern des Tejo in nur wenigen Kilometern Entfernung von der Atlantikküste gelegen ist, zeichnet sich durch eine reiche kulturelle Vielfalt aus. Am Eingang des Flusshafens aufzwingen zwei zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehörende Bauwerke besichtigen: das Hieronymitenkloster und den Turm von Belém. Auf dem Hügel des Alfama-Viertels, der für seine Bars mit Fado-Musik berühmt ist, laden Sie die maurischen Gässchen zur Erkundung ein. Entlang der vornehmen Straßen des Chiado-Viertels verführen die großen Namen der Mode zum Shopping ganz unter dem Motto der Eleganz.
Ankunft 30.04.2025 am frühen Nachmittag
Abfahrt 30.04.2025 am frühen Abend
Nur weniger als zehn Kilometer von Porto und der Flussmündung des Douro entfernt liegt der Hafen Leixões. Das historische Stadtzentrum von Porto zählt zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO. Das berühmte Stadtviertel Ribeira mit den von der Metallbrücke Dom-Luis überragten traditionellen Häusern, zahlreiche üppig dekorierte barocke Kirchen und das Nationalmuseum Museo Nacional de Soares dos Reis sind einen Besuch wert. Auch der Bahnhof São Bento ist interessant. Seine Vorhalle wurde mit Azulejos ausgestattet, typisch portugiesischen blauen Keramik-Fliesen mit geometrischen Motiven oder bildhaften Darstellungen.
Ankunft 01.05.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 01.05.2025 am späten Nachmittag
Früher war die Stadt Vigo im Süden Galiziens an der Atlantikküste ein kleiner Fischerhafen, heute ist sie die größte Gemeinde der Region. Die Altstadt, die besser unter dem Namen O Berbés bekannt ist, beeindruckt mit zahlreichen historischen Gebäuden und der atypischen Architektur der Häuser. Vor der Küste liegen die Illas Cíes. Das Naturschutzgebiet gehört zum Nationalpark Islas Atlánticas de Galicia mit unberührten Naturlandschaften und einer außergewöhnlichen Artenvielfalt. Im Norden lädt das berühmte Santiago de Compostela zu einem Besuch ein, das jedes Jahr zahlreiche Pilger aus aller Welt anlockt. Das historische Stadtzentrum mit seinem bedeutenden Architekturerbe steht unter dem Schutz der UNESCO.
Ankunft 02.05.2025
Abfahrt 02.05.2025
Genießen Sie während der Überfahrt auf See die zahlreichen Freizeitangebote an Bord. Gönnen Sie sich Entspannung im Spa oder halten Sie sich im Fitnessraum in Form. Lassen Sie sich je nach Jahreszeit zu einem Sprung in den Pool oder zu einem Sonnenbad verlocken. Dieser Reise ohne Zwischenstopp bietet auch Gelegenheit, einer Konferenz oder einer der an Bord angebotenen Vorstellungen beizuwohnen, abhängig von den angebotenen Aktivitäten, oder in der Boutique ein wenig zu shoppen oder die PONANT-Fotografen in ihrem eigenen Bereich aufzusuchen. Wer das offene Meer liebt, bewundert auf dem Oberdeck das Schauspiel der Wogen und kann mit etwas Glück Meerestiere beobachten. Eine zauberhafte kleine Auszeit mit Komfort, Entspannung und Unterhaltung.
Ankunft 03.05.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 03.05.2025 am frühen Abend
Bilbao, die Metropole des spanischen Baskenlands, ist eine der avantgardistischsten Städte Europas. Gebäude von architektonischer Kühnheit und das alte Erbe der Stadt sorgen für eine Reise zwischen Traditionen und Innovation. Über eine ungewöhnliche Drahtseilbahn erreicht man das grandiose Guggenheim-Museum, ein spektakulärer Bau aus Stein, Glas und Titan, das von dem Architekten Frank Gehry entworfen wurde und eine Kollektion moderner Kunst und monumentaler zeitgenössischer Skulpturen birgt. Auch die engen Gassen der Altstadt und der beliebte Stadtteil Ensanche oder die Puente de Vizcaya, die älteste Schwebefähre der Welt, die zum Weltkulturerbe der UNESCO zählt, sind sehenswert.
Ankunft 04.05.2025 am frühen Vormittag
Abfahrt 04.05.2025 abends
Saint-Jean-de-Luz ist ein beliebter Badeort im Südwesten Frankreichs, eine malerische Stadt mit authentischem Charme und einer reichen Vergangenheit. Ludwig XIV. vermählte sich hier 1660 in der berühmten Kirche Saint-Jean-Baptiste mit der Infantin Maria Theresia von Spanien. Die Küste bietet einen atemberaubenden Blick zwischen der baskischen Architektur und dem Kantabrischen Meer. Eine zauberhaft schöne Bucht, die im 17. Jahrhundert von Freibeutern und wohlhabenden Reedern frequentiert wurde.
Ankunft 05.05.2025 mittags
Abfahrt 05.05.2025 abends
Während der Fahrt entdecken Sie die erstaunlichen Grotten von Meschers, natürliche Höhlen, die sich hoch über der Gironde in die Kalkfelsen gegraben haben. Sie wurden im 19.Jahrhundert von Menschenhand vergrößert und werden als troglodytischer Wohnraum zum Teil noch heute genutzt. Die Carrelets, zierliche Pfahlbauhütten, die mit einem quadratischen Fischernetz ausgestattet sind und der Landschaft der Charente einen poetischen Hauch verleihen, sind über die Ufer der Saintonge verteilt. Im Herzen ihrer Befestigungsanlage, die von Eduard I., König von England und Herzog von Aquitanien, gegründet wurde, zeigt sich die schöne Stadt Talmont-sur-Gironde von ihrer strahlenden Seite. Die Kirche Sainte-Radegonde, ein Juwel der romanischen Kunst aus dem 12. Jahrhundert, dominiert majestätisch die Mündung.
Ankunft 06.05.2025
Abfahrt 06.05.2025
Entdecken Sie Pauillac, eine Gemeinde im Südwesten Frankreichs, die sich nur wenige Kilometer von Bordeaux entfernt am Ufer der Gironde erstreckt. Pauillac, die unbestrittene Hauptstadt des Médoc, öffnet Ihnen seine magische Welt aus Kultur und Geschichte, Weinbergen und Schlössern. Dieser Aufenthalt ist eine Reise die Welt der tausend Aromen, zum Beispiel bei der Verkostung der Weine der Region, die ihre warme, von der Zeit gebräunte, rubinrote Farbe enthüllen. Abenteuer der Sinne und Abenteuer im Herzen der Stadt: besuchen Sie die Kirche Saint-Martin de Pauillac oder die geheimnisvolle Grotte von Artigues, über der sich eine Statue er Jungfrau Maria erhebt. Oder den Turm von Aspic, von dessen rundem Kuppeldach aus in alten Zeiten die Arbeit der Weinleser überwacht werden konnte.
Ankunft 07.05.2025 nachts
Ausschiffung 08.05.2025 um 08:00
Bordeaux erstreckt sich entlang der Ufer der Garonne im Südwesten Frankreichs. Seine reiche Weintradition macht es zur Welthauptstadt des Weins. Lassen Sie sich von der Geschichte des „Port de la Lune“ („Hafen des Mondes“) mitreißen, der aufgrund seiner prestigeträchtigen klassischen Architektur zum UNESCO-Weltkulturerbe gehört. Auf dem berühmten Place de la Bourse vermischt sich die Vergangenheit mit der Gegenwart: Hier spiegeln sich die historischen Gebäude in der zeitgenössischen Kreation des Miroir d’eau wider.
From the pier, you will board your coach and drive to Santiago de Compostela (a one-hour and fifteen-minute drive), one of the most important cities in Europe and the third most important place in the world for Christian pilgrimage.
Your tour will start by the Obradoiro Square where your guide will present you all the details of this square during a walking tour. You can admire the Cathedral, the Town hall, the Pazo (Palace of Saint Jerome) and the Hostal dos Reis Católicos. This former hospital was built in 1501 by orders of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile to welcome unwell pilgrims and replace the old hospital which was then on the current Plaza de la Azabachería. Today it continues to fulfil its function of hosting service to the traveller, although it has a luxurious character. Every day, a dozen pilgrims carrying their compostela (pilgrim certificate) are allowed in the kitchen to graciously receive a meal.
Your guide will give you a complete description of the outside of the Cathedral and will show you the Jubilee Door which is only opened for the pardons of each Jubilee Year.
Then, you will have some time at leisure to walk along the historical streets before meeting your guide at the Hostal dos Reis Católicos, for the lunch served in one of the dining rooms of the hotel.
Before boarding your coach to Vigo, you will enjoy an inside visit of the Cathedral with the tomb of Saint James, maybe the most important piece of the Cathedral, the “Portico da Gloria” whose lintels were laid in place in 1188, one of the capital works of mediaeval sculpture. You will also visit the museum of the Cathedral.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and start your scenic drive towards Monte Castro. Once arriving, you will enjoy a panoramic view on Vigo, its bay and its harbour.
Jules Verne wrote that Captain Nemo’s best kept secret was in Vigo. Did you know that this is where the Nautilus submarine came to stock up on gold? In Vigo’s estuary there are dozens of sunken ships loaded with the gold from the Americas, treasures that have not yet come to light.
Back to coach, you will drive to Baiona, one of the most important and characteristic fishing villages on the Galicia coast.
Here you will visit Parador Monterreal, an imposing 16th-century building that has been converted into a hotel. The fortress of Monterreal is highly evocative of times long past, with its walls (dating from the 11th to 17th centuries) and its mediaeval towers: the Reloxo, the Tenaza and the Príncipe Cativo. The walls are ideal for a pleasant stroll around the area, known as the Monte Boi Promenade, offering perfect views over the whole of Galicia’s southern coastline, and of course the town of Baiona.
Then, you will discover old centre of the village with the remains of its ancient walls. A walk through the historic centre reveals impressive pazos (manor houses), such as that of the Correa family (from the 18th century), now the town hall with a tall tower, coats of arms and beautiful balconies; the Casa Ceta (or Casa do Perdón) from the 14th century; the Casa Mendoza (or Casa do Deán) with arched walkways beneath (from the 18th century) and a superb Baroque façade, or the Casa de Salgado (from the 17th century).
Finally, re-board your coach and start your return drive to Vigo, a 45-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and drive to your starting point of your hiking on the way of cross, 45-minute drive.
You will walk on the Spanish part of the way of cross borrowed by the pilgrims, to this day, to join Santiago de Compostela.
Santiago de Compostela is one of the most important cities in Europe and the third most important place in the world for Christian pilgrimage.
Once arriving, you will discover the Obradoiro Square where your guide will present you all the details of this square during a walking tour. You can admire the Cathedral, the Town hall, the Pazo (Palace of Saint Jerome) and the Hostal dos Reis Católicos. This former hospital was built in 1501 by orders of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile to welcome unwell pilgrims and replace the old hospital which was then on the current Plaza de la Azabachería. Today it continues to fulfil its function of hosting service to the traveller, although it has a luxurious character. Every day, a dozen pilgrims carrying their compostela (pilgrim certificate) are allowed in the kitchen to graciously receive a meal.
Your guide will give you a complete description of the outside of the Cathedral and will show you the Jubilee Door which is only opened for the pardons of each Jubilee Year.
Then, you will have some time at leisure to walk along the historical streets before meeting your guide at the Hostal dos Reis Católicos, for the lunch served in one of the dining rooms of the hotel.
Continue with an inside visit of the Cathedral with the tomb of Saint James, maybe the most important piece of the Cathedral, the “Portico da Gloria” whose lintels were laid in place in 1188, one of the capital works of mediaeval sculpture. You will also visit the museum of the Cathedral.
Finally, reboard your coach to join your ship, a one-hour and fifteen-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Bilbao is a constantly evolving city and a dynamic metropolis where traditions and relics of the past live side by side with futuristic buildings recognised throughout the world as icons of modernity. This excursion will allow you to admire both aspects of the economic and cultural capital of the Basque Country.
From the pier, board your coach and proceed to the famous Guggenheim Museum designed by Frank Gehry.
This imposing and unmistakable titanium, granite and glass building reflected in the river houses important works of contemporary art. Designed by American architect Frank Gehry, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao building represents a magnificent example of the most groundbreaking 20th-century architecture. With 24,000 m2, of which 11,000 are dedicated to exhibition space, the museum represents an architectural landmark of audacious configuration and innovating design, providing a seductive backdrop for the art exhibited in it. Altogether, Gehry's design creates a spectacular sculpture-like structure, perfectly integrated within Bilbao's urban pattern and its surrounding area. It was built between 1993 and 1997 representing the recovery of the banks of the river, redeveloping them for culture and leisure. The finish of the approximately 33,000 extremely thin titanium sheets provides a rough and organic effect, adding to the material's colour changes depending on the weather and light conditions. The other two materials used in the building, limestone and glass, harmonise perfectly, achieving an architectural design with a great visual impact that has now become a real icon of the city throughout the world.
Your tour will continue with a stroll around the old town with its handsome Renaissance, Baroque and Modernist buildings, where you will have the chance to admire the façade of the Cathedral of Santiago, example of Gothic architecture, and the elegant Plaza Nueva, with its distinctive porticoes.
After the tour, you will be transferred back to your awaiting ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover the Cantabrian corniche, the fishing port of Bermeo and historic Guernica. From the pier, travel along the colorful Biscayan coastline and see the dramatic views of the Cantabrian corniche.
You will first visit Guernica, once the capital of the Basque Country. The local lords and kings met here in democratic assembly to promise to respect the special laws of Vizcaya. On 26th April 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, the town was razed to the ground by German aircraft, sent by Hitler to support Franco's troops. Discover the Picasso’s Guernika mural reproduction, illustrating the bombing and showing the tragedy of war.
During your visit, see also the petrified trunk of an oak tree that miraculously survived the horrific bombing raid. In the Park of Europe are the famous sculptures, symbolising Gernika-Lumo as a city of peace. See from outside the Casa de Juntas, where the Basque parliament has convened since 1979.
Continue to Bermeo, one of the area's most important fishing ports in the region. This colourful, working town has a large deep-sea fishing fleet that regularly operates off the coast of the Azores and southern Africa. See the popular Basque style architecture reflected in the fishermen's houses.
After the visit, drive to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe for a photostop before returning to the pier in Bilbao.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and start the 1-hour drive to San Sebastián, across the Spanish border.
The Kings and Queens of Spain chose San Sebastián as the royal seaside resort just as Napoleon III and the Empress Eugenie chose Biarritz. Today San Sebastián remains a brilliant and seductive city, a cultural hub of the Basque Country.
After a photo stop at Monte Igueldo, which provides a panoramic view of San Sebastián Bay, you will enjoy a panoramic tour of the city.
Then, you will make your way to the old town where your guided 45-minute walking tour will start. You will visit the city's "old quarter" with its narrow pedestrian streets.
Continue on to the famous streets lined with "tapas" bars, where you can enjoy some free time to experience the atmosphere while enjoying some tapas with Spanish wines or local cider (at your own expense).
Finally, you will return to your ship after a 1-hour drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and leave the shoreside to venture into the mountainous part of the Basque Country, 30-minute drive.
La Rhune mountain, covered in dolmens, stone circles and other Neolithic monuments, was held to be a sacred place in the Basque mythology. Later on, considered as a ritual meeting place for witches, the mountain became, up until the 18th century, home to a hermit monk whose duty was to keep witches away and ensure good winds.
A few centuries later, the mountain became a notable smuggling route, especially for refugees during the Spanish Civil War and World War II.
Only 905 meters high, La Rhune is today a popular site for walks and hikes, but is also known for its rack railway, the Petit Train de la Rhune. Built in 1924 and perfectly maintained, this train with wooden carriages will take you to the top of the Rhune mountain, where you will enjoy exceptional views from the 360° viewing terraces: from the French coast across the Pyrenees Mountain range, and out to the Spanish Northern coast, far-reaching in all directions.
Once arriving, you will have the choice between enjoy some free time or follow your guide during a short walking tour on the Rhune mountain.
Finally, you will return to your ship, 30-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Today, board your coach for a journey to exercise your tasting buds with exquisite chocolate from the Basque country. Chocolate was first introduced to France in Bayonne 400 years ago when Jews fleeing the inquisition settled in city of Bayonne. Using the recipe for chocolate brought back from their travels to the Americas, they became the first in France to transform cocoa beans. These chocolate makers soon became known for the quality of their ingredients and precise blending.
Begin your journey in Espelette village, nearby Bayonne. Famous for its red peppers, this little charming village, situated in the in the center of the Basque countryside and mountains, is also home to the Antton Chocolate house, nestled in a traditional red-timbered house. There you will be welcomed for a visit of the premises: your guide will tell you the history of chocolate with great passion. Also, you will be invited to enter into the heart of the production workshop, a visit where your senses will be awoken. Discover Antton’s most famous specialties: the Espelette chilli pepper chocolate and the black cherry chocolate.
You will have the opportunity to taste some of these fine chocolate before continuing your countryside drive to Sare, in the shadow of Rhune Mountain. Visit a local farmhouse for a sampling of Basque produces including cheese, apple jelly, cake, cider and wine.
Afterwards, reembark in your coach before going back to the ship in Saint Jean de Luz.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 130
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
The Medoc wine road, located between the Gironde Estuary and the Landes forest, provides magnificent views of the vineyards. You will have the opportunity to take photos of some of the most famous Châteaux of the area. Medoc vineyards are orderly and well-kept almost to the point of fanaticism, and the region's world famous châteaux produce wines that are nothing short of divine… Moulis, Listrac, Saint-Julien, Saint-Estèphe, Pauillac, Médoc, Haut Médoc and Margaux (with the celebrated château of the same name).
You will visit the cellars of one of the famous estates: Château Gruaud Larose, located in Medoc district of Saint-Julien.
After a short stop at Chateau Margaux, continue your way to Château Gruaud Larose, situated on the Saint-Julien terroir just next to the village of Beychevelle, close to the 'Route des Chateaux'. While the surface of this district is quite small, it assembles the greatest concentration of 'Cru Classé' (classified growth) wines in the Medoc.
The vineyard is stretching over 82 hectares of gravely soil overlaying calcareous clay which gives a fine wine with character. As a result, it was classified « Second Grand Cru » (top ranked growth) in 1855. Throughout the centuries, Chateau Gruaud Larose has managed to impose a perfect balance between nature and the consideration of man’s work in its quest for excellence. The estate’s motto is 'The King of Wines and the Wine of Kings'. The nose and the bouquet of Château Gruaud Larose reveal the identity of its Medoc origins. An intense elixir imposing its tannic and spicy richness. A superb concentration, an unusual strength in the fruit and an astonishing final – profound and aromatic.
On site, you will first discover the estate from above, thanks to the recently built tower offering a spectacular view on the estate, its vineyards and the Gironde river. You will then proceed to the vat and barrel cellars and be introduced to the secrets of wine-making-techniques, before following your guide to the tasting room so as to indulge yourself with their wines.
You will enjoy a special tasting of two wines from the estate paired with French cheeses.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Château Pédesclaux holds the prestigious classification as a fifth growth Grand Cru Classé wine although it has a relatively short history when compared to some of its neighbouring vineyards such as Château Lafite Rothschild or Château Mouton Rothschild. The château was created in 1810 by Pierre Urbain Pédesclaux, who belonged to a family of successful wine brokers in Bordeaux. Edmond Pédesclaux was actually one of the brokers who assisted in determining the original 1855 Classification of Medoc wines.
Pédesclaux purchased the vineyard lands from the estate of Grand Puy Lacoste and in a mere fifty years the Château was recognised as a fifth growth. After the death of Pierre Urbain, his wife managed the estate until she died in 1891. The real success story of Château Pédesclaux is the story of revival. After years of neglect due to post-war economic hardship and after changing hands several times, the vineyards were slowly and carefully restored by Lucien Jugla who has managed the land since 1930. He even managed to purchase the estate in 1951.
In 2009, the property was bought by Jacky Lorenzetti, owner of Château Lilian Ladouys. He enlarged the vineyards with the purchase of 12 hectares bordering the property of both Château Lafite Rothschild and Château Mouton Rothschild. He introduced a new label and implemented an ambitious new modern labour-intensive management system and was the first estate to implement laser optical sorting.
Come and experience this modern-age success story while admiring the work of architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, responsible for the entire renovation of the château and the winemaking facilities which were completed in 2015. This one of a kind château was uniquely designed to infuse modernity while preserving the original look of the classic building.
Not only will you discover the 100% gravitational wine making process, you will also have the opportunity to taste exceptional wines produced on this discrete domain.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Today, you will visit the cellars of one of the famous estates: Château La Tour Carnet, located in Medoc district of Saint-Laurent.
To visit Château La Tour Carnet is to plunge into history covering almost 1,000 years. La Tour Carnet, originally called the Château Saint Laurent, whose famous tower was built in the 11th century, this ancient fortress was used by the English to battle the French nobility. When Bordeaux was capitulated to the King of France in 1451, Carnet, a devoted squire who stood by his lord, Count Jean de Foix, remained loyal to the King of England and refused to submit. Although Count de Foix died and Carnet and the English were finally defeated, the partially damaged castle retained its current name "La Tour Carnet". The estate changed hands several times over the centuries and even belonged to the philosopher Montaigne's brother-in-law, Thibault de Carmaing.
If the thick castle walls could talk they would tell the tales of centuries of fighting followed by flourishing trade and wine production from the 15th century onwards. Since the 16th century special emphasis was paid to the cultivation of the vine and wine quality. Luckily the Revolution of 1789 spared the estate which was owned by a Swedish nobleman, whose descendants labored to further improve wine quality. Their exceptional work was recognized and the estate was awarded the distinguished title of "Grand Cru Classé" in 1855. Bernard Magrez, the current owner, has undertaken a massive restoration and renovation program, increasing the vineyards and bringing the wine back to the excellence and undisputable quality it was known for.
Travel back in time and imagine life as it was almost 1000 years ago while sampling the fruits of labor of so many devoted and passionate generations. You will then enjoy a special tasting of three wines from the estate.
Continue your journey with a guided visit of the estates scattered along the most celebrated wine route in the world. The Medoc wine road, located between the Gironde Estuary and the Landes forest, provides magnificent views of the vineyards. You will have the opportunity to take photos of some of the most famous Châteaux of the area. Medoc vineyards are orderly and well-kept almost to the point of fanaticism, and the region's world famous châteaux produce wines that are nothing short of divine… Moulis, Listrac, Saint-Julien, Saint-Estèphe, Pauillac, Médoc, Haut Médoc and Margaux (with the celebrated château of the same name).
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Departure on foot from the ship berth for a walking tour of the UNESCO classified city of Bordeaux.
Take advantage of this short guided walking tour of Bordeaux city centre to discover some local traditional specialties, like chocolate, canelé cake, cheese, and of course Bordeaux wine.
Walk by the Grand Theatre, built by Victor Louis in 1773, one of the most beautiful in Europe and a pure work of art from the 18th century. Continue through the old Bordeaux district towards the Parlement (parliament) and Bourse (stock-exchange) Squares, before reaching the Cathedral Saint André and City Hall area. End the tour with the luxury boutiques district, called “the triangle” by the locals, and the Quinconces square.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Once called the “Sleeping Beauty”, Bordeaux has awaken, and is listed as UNESCO World Heritage site since 2007. This distinction recognises the beauty and uniqueness of the architectural heritage style of Bordeaux, which has developed harmoniously over the centuries, while remaining remarkably preserved.
You will discover the Chartrons district where the wine trade was born, the Place des Quinconces, the largest square in Europe with its column commemorating the French Revolution, the Place de la Bourse, jewel of the façade of the quays with the Porte Cailhau. You will then walk from Place Pey Berland where you will find the Town Hall and the Cathedral, to Place de la Comédie and its Grand Théâtre, the Opera of the city in service since the 18th century, before re-embarking on your coach.
Your panoramic tour of Bordeaux will end at La Cité du Vin, an exhibition venue on the theme of wine inaugurated in 2016. By 2018, no less than 450,000 were pushing the door of this unique architecture, which reveals all the wealth and diversity of the world's wine. The Cité du Vin is an original cultural facility dedicated to wine as a cultural, universal and living heritage. It offers a spectacular journey around the world, through the ages, in all cultures. At the end of your visit through the permanent exhibition, a glass of wine will be offered on the 8th floor of the Cité du Vin offering a panoramic view of Bordeaux.
Your excursion will continue on the other side of the street, with a stop at the Halles de Bacalan, the new gourmet market hall of Bordeaux, rehabilitating and modernising the concept of the markets of yesteryear.
The many stalls animated by artisans, traders and producers - selected for their know-how and their complementarity - favour short circuits, 85% of the products on offer are from the area. A tasting of some of these products will be offered during your visit.
The tour will end with the short return trip to the ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Neuvic Estate spreads out over 19 hectares at the confluence of the Isle and Vern rivers, in the town of Neuvic.
It is situated on the land of a farm dating back to before the French Revolution, which left traces and memories that can still be seen and felt on the stone walls. The Isle River is omnipresent, whether crossing the property or bordering its contours with its meanders flanked by imposing chalky cliffs.
Domaine de Neuvic produces and markets the Caviar de Neuvic. It also produces caviar for other brands in accordance with precise specifications. Domaine de Neuvic is first and foremost synonymous with an innovative and stringent quality approach.
In 2013, Domaine de Neuvic received the acclaim of the Association France Initiative, chaired by Mr. Schweitzer, as one of ten "remarkable companies" in France. This title rewards its innovative approach, promotion of its region and recognition of human capital as a criterion for the overall success of the company.
During the visit of the estate, your guide will tell you all the secrets of sturgeons breeding and how to make caviar.
At the end of the visit, you will have the opportunity to taste the estate’s caviar, with a glass of sparkling wine!
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 100
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Walk, wine and tapas food : the perfect combination!
From the pier, board your local coach for a 1 hour-transfer to Château Boutinet.
Upon arrival, meet Nathalie, the owner of Château Boutinet wine estate. For Nathalie, a visit to her estate rhymes with conviviality. This 17th century winery under refurbishment has been brought back to life with the passion of the owners for wine making and hospitality.
You will start with a walk around the property and discover the grape vines and the beautiful surrounding forest. Nathalie and her dog will guide you on foot through the vineyard, explaining her work in the vines, the challenges of a wine producer's life, and organic wine making technics.
After effort comes comfort: Back to the estate, Nathalie will invite you to a homemade tapas tasting sampling some of the local delicacies paired with 3 wines from the estate.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Close to Saint Emilion, Château de La Dauphine is a gem, an elegant blend between history and green modernity. Their remarkable wine tourism experiences were recently acknowledged with several gold awards: in 2014 for the Architecture & Landscape category, in 2016 for the food category, in 2018 for Sustainable Wine Tourism Practices and in 2020 for the Innovative Wine Tourism Experiences category. Château de La Dauphine was also 2020 International winner of the contest Best of Wine Tourism.
After a 45 minute-transfer, start a “green tour” with your guide. During this visit you will discover the property’s ethical and environmental initiatives: work in the vineyard, the beehives, biodynamic workshop, aquaponics, the permaculture vegetable garden and the scented garden.
Then, enjoy a delicious tasting of the estate production such as honey, Merlot jelly and three wines.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your local coach, drive West of Bordeaux and cross the Landes de Gascogne forest before arriving in the Arcachon Bay region, a resort famous for its weather and oyster culture. A fragrant oasis surrounded by an immense forest of pine trees; a subdued ocean which nestles up against the wild sand-dunes; a long wreath of fine golden sand. This is Arcachon Bay with clean waters constantly renewed by the tide, and flights of thousand of migratory birds.
Here you will stop in Le Pyla to climb the highest sand dune in Europe with 110 metres height. A wooden stairs allows an easier climbing of the first half. From the top, you will discover a fantastic view over the entire Arcachon Bay in the North, over the Ocean in the West, and over the never ending Landes pine tree forest in the East.
Then, you will go to a nearby oyster farm port where you will visit a typical oyster farm. The owner will explain all about the oyster culture and will invite you to taste oysters with rye bread & butter, and dry white wine.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Savoir vivre inklusive
Französische Lebenskunst (oder eine entspannte, internationale Atmosphäre an Bord der Paul Gauguin), aufmerksamer Service, feinste Gourmetküche, Freizeitangebote, Spa: Unsere Kreuzfahrten schenken wertvolle Momente voller Ruhe und Entspannung, Abenteuer und Entdeckung. Und mit unserer Vielzahl an bereits inkludierten Leistungen wird aus Ihrer Zeit an Bord eine richtige Auszeit vom Alltag.
Gourmet & Wein
Freuen Sie sich auf raffinierte Speisen und von Sterneköchen kreierte Köstlichkeiten, begleitet von erlesenen Weinen, die von den talentiertesten Sommeliers ausgewählt werden. Sie teilen ihre Leidenschaft für die Tischkunst mit Ihnen und verwöhnen Sie bei Gala-Dinners, Verkostungen, Workshops und spannenden Vorträgen. Ganz besondere Aufmerksamkeit gilt den Weinen, die Ihnen auf den Gastronomie- und Önologie-Kreuzfahrten angeboten werden: eine exklusive Weinkarte, sorgsam zusammengestellte Menüs, bei denen Wein und Speisen perfekt harmonieren. Freuen Sie sich auf perfekt durchdachte Ausflüge in Städte mit einem reichen Kulturerbe sowie auf privilegierte kulinarische und önologische Höhepunkte.
An Bord Ihres Schiffes bieten Ihnen ausgewählte Lektoren kulturelle und historische Einblicke, damit Sie noch mehr über Ihr Reiseziel erfahren können: den Ursprung der lokalen Traditionen, die Geschichte symbolischer Orte, berühmte Persönlichkeiten und historische Helden... Die Experten begleiten Sie während der gesamten Kreuzfahrt, an Bord und bei den Ausflügen an Land, um ihr Know-how und ihre Einsichten mit Ihnen zu teilen.
Einzelkabinenzuschlag geschenkt
*Einzelkabinenzuschlag entfällt. Begrenztes Kontingent, abhängig von Verfügbarkeit.
Unsere Zusatzleistungen
Travel with peace of mind as PONANT organises your day time between the airport and your port of embarkation.
Meet at Lisbon airport arrival hall. Look for PONANT sign. You will be greeted by our local English-speaking representative off the flight selected by PONANT.
You will depart the airport by coach and be taken to a local restaurant where your lunch will be served.
This afternoon, you will discover the city of Lisbon during a private tram tour.
First, you will reach the Belém district, also known as the district of the Great Discoveries for its many monuments dating from the 16th-century. You will make a stop in front of the magnificent Jeronimos Monastery, a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Then, you will walk until the tram stop departure from Belem. During about 1 hour, enjoy the best way to get across town on board an icon of Lisbon. The small yellow or red trams beg to be photographed as they travel through the prettiest historic and residential quarters of the city.
Opening the windows and letting the parade of buildings covered in azulejos pass you by, glimpsing the sudden ascents and marvelling at the winding route between hills, miradors and squares that take your breath away, is one of the things you have to do while in the city.
Travel in the past while your private tram run through the tiny streets and the main arteries and catch a very good perspective of Lisbon until the final stop at Portas do Sol where the viewpoint is one of the best views of the town. From there, at the top of Alfama district, you will discover little by little the oldest and most traditional neighbourhood in Lisbon, with cobbled lanes and alleys and steeps, gruelling inclines. Enjoy the view, atmosphere, and authentic spirit of the oldest side of the capital.
After 30-minute walk, you will be guided until the pier to embark on board your ship.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Duration and order of the visits may vary. To know your PONANT flight schedule, please contact your travel agent; it is also indicated on your electronic ticket included in your travel documents. In the event of schedule changes of PONANT’s selected flight, your programme will be adapted to ensure the most seamless and enriching experience. The content of your revised programme will be updated on the PONANT website, in My Ponant space and on the PONANT app. The final programme will also be sent to you along with your cruise documents.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 240
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.
From the pier, you will board your coach and drive to Santiago de Compostela (a one-hour and fifteen-minute drive), one of the most important cities in Europe and the third most important place in the world for Christian pilgrimage.
Your tour will start by the Obradoiro Square where your guide will present you all the details of this square during a walking tour. You can admire the Cathedral, the Town hall, the Pazo (Palace of Saint Jerome) and the Hostal dos Reis Católicos. This former hospital was built in 1501 by orders of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile to welcome unwell pilgrims and replace the old hospital which was then on the current Plaza de la Azabachería. Today it continues to fulfil its function of hosting service to the traveller, although it has a luxurious character. Every day, a dozen pilgrims carrying their compostela (pilgrim certificate) are allowed in the kitchen to graciously receive a meal.
Your guide will give you a complete description of the outside of the Cathedral and will show you the Jubilee Door which is only opened for the pardons of each Jubilee Year.
Then, you will have some time at leisure to walk along the historical streets before meeting your guide at the Hostal dos Reis Católicos, for the lunch served in one of the dining rooms of the hotel.
Before boarding your coach to Vigo, you will enjoy an inside visit of the Cathedral with the tomb of Saint James, maybe the most important piece of the Cathedral, the “Portico da Gloria” whose lintels were laid in place in 1188, one of the capital works of mediaeval sculpture. You will also visit the museum of the Cathedral.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and start your scenic drive towards Monte Castro. Once arriving, you will enjoy a panoramic view on Vigo, its bay and its harbour.
Jules Verne wrote that Captain Nemo’s best kept secret was in Vigo. Did you know that this is where the Nautilus submarine came to stock up on gold? In Vigo’s estuary there are dozens of sunken ships loaded with the gold from the Americas, treasures that have not yet come to light.
Back to coach, you will drive to Baiona, one of the most important and characteristic fishing villages on the Galicia coast.
Here you will visit Parador Monterreal, an imposing 16th-century building that has been converted into a hotel. The fortress of Monterreal is highly evocative of times long past, with its walls (dating from the 11th to 17th centuries) and its mediaeval towers: the Reloxo, the Tenaza and the Príncipe Cativo. The walls are ideal for a pleasant stroll around the area, known as the Monte Boi Promenade, offering perfect views over the whole of Galicia’s southern coastline, and of course the town of Baiona.
Then, you will discover old centre of the village with the remains of its ancient walls. A walk through the historic centre reveals impressive pazos (manor houses), such as that of the Correa family (from the 18th century), now the town hall with a tall tower, coats of arms and beautiful balconies; the Casa Ceta (or Casa do Perdón) from the 14th century; the Casa Mendoza (or Casa do Deán) with arched walkways beneath (from the 18th century) and a superb Baroque façade, or the Casa de Salgado (from the 17th century).
Finally, re-board your coach and start your return drive to Vigo, a 45-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and drive to your starting point of your hiking on the way of cross, 45-minute drive.
You will walk on the Spanish part of the way of cross borrowed by the pilgrims, to this day, to join Santiago de Compostela.
Santiago de Compostela is one of the most important cities in Europe and the third most important place in the world for Christian pilgrimage.
Once arriving, you will discover the Obradoiro Square where your guide will present you all the details of this square during a walking tour. You can admire the Cathedral, the Town hall, the Pazo (Palace of Saint Jerome) and the Hostal dos Reis Católicos. This former hospital was built in 1501 by orders of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile to welcome unwell pilgrims and replace the old hospital which was then on the current Plaza de la Azabachería. Today it continues to fulfil its function of hosting service to the traveller, although it has a luxurious character. Every day, a dozen pilgrims carrying their compostela (pilgrim certificate) are allowed in the kitchen to graciously receive a meal.
Your guide will give you a complete description of the outside of the Cathedral and will show you the Jubilee Door which is only opened for the pardons of each Jubilee Year.
Then, you will have some time at leisure to walk along the historical streets before meeting your guide at the Hostal dos Reis Católicos, for the lunch served in one of the dining rooms of the hotel.
Continue with an inside visit of the Cathedral with the tomb of Saint James, maybe the most important piece of the Cathedral, the “Portico da Gloria” whose lintels were laid in place in 1188, one of the capital works of mediaeval sculpture. You will also visit the museum of the Cathedral.
Finally, reboard your coach to join your ship, a one-hour and fifteen-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Bilbao is a constantly evolving city and a dynamic metropolis where traditions and relics of the past live side by side with futuristic buildings recognised throughout the world as icons of modernity. This excursion will allow you to admire both aspects of the economic and cultural capital of the Basque Country.
From the pier, board your coach and proceed to the famous Guggenheim Museum designed by Frank Gehry.
This imposing and unmistakable titanium, granite and glass building reflected in the river houses important works of contemporary art. Designed by American architect Frank Gehry, the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao building represents a magnificent example of the most groundbreaking 20th-century architecture. With 24,000 m2, of which 11,000 are dedicated to exhibition space, the museum represents an architectural landmark of audacious configuration and innovating design, providing a seductive backdrop for the art exhibited in it. Altogether, Gehry's design creates a spectacular sculpture-like structure, perfectly integrated within Bilbao's urban pattern and its surrounding area. It was built between 1993 and 1997 representing the recovery of the banks of the river, redeveloping them for culture and leisure. The finish of the approximately 33,000 extremely thin titanium sheets provides a rough and organic effect, adding to the material's colour changes depending on the weather and light conditions. The other two materials used in the building, limestone and glass, harmonise perfectly, achieving an architectural design with a great visual impact that has now become a real icon of the city throughout the world.
Your tour will continue with a stroll around the old town with its handsome Renaissance, Baroque and Modernist buildings, where you will have the chance to admire the façade of the Cathedral of Santiago, example of Gothic architecture, and the elegant Plaza Nueva, with its distinctive porticoes.
After the tour, you will be transferred back to your awaiting ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Discover the Cantabrian corniche, the fishing port of Bermeo and historic Guernica. From the pier, travel along the colorful Biscayan coastline and see the dramatic views of the Cantabrian corniche.
You will first visit Guernica, once the capital of the Basque Country. The local lords and kings met here in democratic assembly to promise to respect the special laws of Vizcaya. On 26th April 1937, during the Spanish Civil War, the town was razed to the ground by German aircraft, sent by Hitler to support Franco's troops. Discover the Picasso’s Guernika mural reproduction, illustrating the bombing and showing the tragedy of war.
During your visit, see also the petrified trunk of an oak tree that miraculously survived the horrific bombing raid. In the Park of Europe are the famous sculptures, symbolising Gernika-Lumo as a city of peace. See from outside the Casa de Juntas, where the Basque parliament has convened since 1979.
Continue to Bermeo, one of the area's most important fishing ports in the region. This colourful, working town has a large deep-sea fishing fleet that regularly operates off the coast of the Azores and southern Africa. See the popular Basque style architecture reflected in the fishermen's houses.
After the visit, drive to San Juan de Gaztelugatxe for a photostop before returning to the pier in Bilbao.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and start the 1-hour drive to San Sebastián, across the Spanish border.
The Kings and Queens of Spain chose San Sebastián as the royal seaside resort just as Napoleon III and the Empress Eugenie chose Biarritz. Today San Sebastián remains a brilliant and seductive city, a cultural hub of the Basque Country.
After a photo stop at Monte Igueldo, which provides a panoramic view of San Sebastián Bay, you will enjoy a panoramic tour of the city.
Then, you will make your way to the old town where your guided 45-minute walking tour will start. You will visit the city's "old quarter" with its narrow pedestrian streets.
Continue on to the famous streets lined with "tapas" bars, where you can enjoy some free time to experience the atmosphere while enjoying some tapas with Spanish wines or local cider (at your own expense).
Finally, you will return to your ship after a 1-hour drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, you will board your coach and leave the shoreside to venture into the mountainous part of the Basque Country, 30-minute drive.
La Rhune mountain, covered in dolmens, stone circles and other Neolithic monuments, was held to be a sacred place in the Basque mythology. Later on, considered as a ritual meeting place for witches, the mountain became, up until the 18th century, home to a hermit monk whose duty was to keep witches away and ensure good winds.
A few centuries later, the mountain became a notable smuggling route, especially for refugees during the Spanish Civil War and World War II.
Only 905 meters high, La Rhune is today a popular site for walks and hikes, but is also known for its rack railway, the Petit Train de la Rhune. Built in 1924 and perfectly maintained, this train with wooden carriages will take you to the top of the Rhune mountain, where you will enjoy exceptional views from the 360° viewing terraces: from the French coast across the Pyrenees Mountain range, and out to the Spanish Northern coast, far-reaching in all directions.
Once arriving, you will have the choice between enjoy some free time or follow your guide during a short walking tour on the Rhune mountain.
Finally, you will return to your ship, 30-minute drive.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Today, board your coach for a journey to exercise your tasting buds with exquisite chocolate from the Basque country. Chocolate was first introduced to France in Bayonne 400 years ago when Jews fleeing the inquisition settled in city of Bayonne. Using the recipe for chocolate brought back from their travels to the Americas, they became the first in France to transform cocoa beans. These chocolate makers soon became known for the quality of their ingredients and precise blending.
Begin your journey in Espelette village, nearby Bayonne. Famous for its red peppers, this little charming village, situated in the in the center of the Basque countryside and mountains, is also home to the Antton Chocolate house, nestled in a traditional red-timbered house. There you will be welcomed for a visit of the premises: your guide will tell you the history of chocolate with great passion. Also, you will be invited to enter into the heart of the production workshop, a visit where your senses will be awoken. Discover Antton’s most famous specialties: the Espelette chilli pepper chocolate and the black cherry chocolate.
You will have the opportunity to taste some of these fine chocolate before continuing your countryside drive to Sare, in the shadow of Rhune Mountain. Visit a local farmhouse for a sampling of Basque produces including cheese, apple jelly, cake, cider and wine.
Afterwards, reembark in your coach before going back to the ship in Saint Jean de Luz.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 130
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
The Medoc wine road, located between the Gironde Estuary and the Landes forest, provides magnificent views of the vineyards. You will have the opportunity to take photos of some of the most famous Châteaux of the area. Medoc vineyards are orderly and well-kept almost to the point of fanaticism, and the region's world famous châteaux produce wines that are nothing short of divine… Moulis, Listrac, Saint-Julien, Saint-Estèphe, Pauillac, Médoc, Haut Médoc and Margaux (with the celebrated château of the same name).
You will visit the cellars of one of the famous estates: Château Gruaud Larose, located in Medoc district of Saint-Julien.
After a short stop at Chateau Margaux, continue your way to Château Gruaud Larose, situated on the Saint-Julien terroir just next to the village of Beychevelle, close to the 'Route des Chateaux'. While the surface of this district is quite small, it assembles the greatest concentration of 'Cru Classé' (classified growth) wines in the Medoc.
The vineyard is stretching over 82 hectares of gravely soil overlaying calcareous clay which gives a fine wine with character. As a result, it was classified « Second Grand Cru » (top ranked growth) in 1855. Throughout the centuries, Chateau Gruaud Larose has managed to impose a perfect balance between nature and the consideration of man’s work in its quest for excellence. The estate’s motto is 'The King of Wines and the Wine of Kings'. The nose and the bouquet of Château Gruaud Larose reveal the identity of its Medoc origins. An intense elixir imposing its tannic and spicy richness. A superb concentration, an unusual strength in the fruit and an astonishing final – profound and aromatic.
On site, you will first discover the estate from above, thanks to the recently built tower offering a spectacular view on the estate, its vineyards and the Gironde river. You will then proceed to the vat and barrel cellars and be introduced to the secrets of wine-making-techniques, before following your guide to the tasting room so as to indulge yourself with their wines.
You will enjoy a special tasting of two wines from the estate paired with French cheeses.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Château Pédesclaux holds the prestigious classification as a fifth growth Grand Cru Classé wine although it has a relatively short history when compared to some of its neighbouring vineyards such as Château Lafite Rothschild or Château Mouton Rothschild. The château was created in 1810 by Pierre Urbain Pédesclaux, who belonged to a family of successful wine brokers in Bordeaux. Edmond Pédesclaux was actually one of the brokers who assisted in determining the original 1855 Classification of Medoc wines.
Pédesclaux purchased the vineyard lands from the estate of Grand Puy Lacoste and in a mere fifty years the Château was recognised as a fifth growth. After the death of Pierre Urbain, his wife managed the estate until she died in 1891. The real success story of Château Pédesclaux is the story of revival. After years of neglect due to post-war economic hardship and after changing hands several times, the vineyards were slowly and carefully restored by Lucien Jugla who has managed the land since 1930. He even managed to purchase the estate in 1951.
In 2009, the property was bought by Jacky Lorenzetti, owner of Château Lilian Ladouys. He enlarged the vineyards with the purchase of 12 hectares bordering the property of both Château Lafite Rothschild and Château Mouton Rothschild. He introduced a new label and implemented an ambitious new modern labour-intensive management system and was the first estate to implement laser optical sorting.
Come and experience this modern-age success story while admiring the work of architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte, responsible for the entire renovation of the château and the winemaking facilities which were completed in 2015. This one of a kind château was uniquely designed to infuse modernity while preserving the original look of the classic building.
Not only will you discover the 100% gravitational wine making process, you will also have the opportunity to taste exceptional wines produced on this discrete domain.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Today, you will visit the cellars of one of the famous estates: Château La Tour Carnet, located in Medoc district of Saint-Laurent.
To visit Château La Tour Carnet is to plunge into history covering almost 1,000 years. La Tour Carnet, originally called the Château Saint Laurent, whose famous tower was built in the 11th century, this ancient fortress was used by the English to battle the French nobility. When Bordeaux was capitulated to the King of France in 1451, Carnet, a devoted squire who stood by his lord, Count Jean de Foix, remained loyal to the King of England and refused to submit. Although Count de Foix died and Carnet and the English were finally defeated, the partially damaged castle retained its current name "La Tour Carnet". The estate changed hands several times over the centuries and even belonged to the philosopher Montaigne's brother-in-law, Thibault de Carmaing.
If the thick castle walls could talk they would tell the tales of centuries of fighting followed by flourishing trade and wine production from the 15th century onwards. Since the 16th century special emphasis was paid to the cultivation of the vine and wine quality. Luckily the Revolution of 1789 spared the estate which was owned by a Swedish nobleman, whose descendants labored to further improve wine quality. Their exceptional work was recognized and the estate was awarded the distinguished title of "Grand Cru Classé" in 1855. Bernard Magrez, the current owner, has undertaken a massive restoration and renovation program, increasing the vineyards and bringing the wine back to the excellence and undisputable quality it was known for.
Travel back in time and imagine life as it was almost 1000 years ago while sampling the fruits of labor of so many devoted and passionate generations. You will then enjoy a special tasting of three wines from the estate.
Continue your journey with a guided visit of the estates scattered along the most celebrated wine route in the world. The Medoc wine road, located between the Gironde Estuary and the Landes forest, provides magnificent views of the vineyards. You will have the opportunity to take photos of some of the most famous Châteaux of the area. Medoc vineyards are orderly and well-kept almost to the point of fanaticism, and the region's world famous châteaux produce wines that are nothing short of divine… Moulis, Listrac, Saint-Julien, Saint-Estèphe, Pauillac, Médoc, Haut Médoc and Margaux (with the celebrated château of the same name).
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Departure on foot from the ship berth for a walking tour of the UNESCO classified city of Bordeaux.
Take advantage of this short guided walking tour of Bordeaux city centre to discover some local traditional specialties, like chocolate, canelé cake, cheese, and of course Bordeaux wine.
Walk by the Grand Theatre, built by Victor Louis in 1773, one of the most beautiful in Europe and a pure work of art from the 18th century. Continue through the old Bordeaux district towards the Parlement (parliament) and Bourse (stock-exchange) Squares, before reaching the Cathedral Saint André and City Hall area. End the tour with the luxury boutiques district, called “the triangle” by the locals, and the Quinconces square.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Once called the “Sleeping Beauty”, Bordeaux has awaken, and is listed as UNESCO World Heritage site since 2007. This distinction recognises the beauty and uniqueness of the architectural heritage style of Bordeaux, which has developed harmoniously over the centuries, while remaining remarkably preserved.
You will discover the Chartrons district where the wine trade was born, the Place des Quinconces, the largest square in Europe with its column commemorating the French Revolution, the Place de la Bourse, jewel of the façade of the quays with the Porte Cailhau. You will then walk from Place Pey Berland where you will find the Town Hall and the Cathedral, to Place de la Comédie and its Grand Théâtre, the Opera of the city in service since the 18th century, before re-embarking on your coach.
Your panoramic tour of Bordeaux will end at La Cité du Vin, an exhibition venue on the theme of wine inaugurated in 2016. By 2018, no less than 450,000 were pushing the door of this unique architecture, which reveals all the wealth and diversity of the world's wine. The Cité du Vin is an original cultural facility dedicated to wine as a cultural, universal and living heritage. It offers a spectacular journey around the world, through the ages, in all cultures. At the end of your visit through the permanent exhibition, a glass of wine will be offered on the 8th floor of the Cité du Vin offering a panoramic view of Bordeaux.
Your excursion will continue on the other side of the street, with a stop at the Halles de Bacalan, the new gourmet market hall of Bordeaux, rehabilitating and modernising the concept of the markets of yesteryear.
The many stalls animated by artisans, traders and producers - selected for their know-how and their complementarity - favour short circuits, 85% of the products on offer are from the area. A tasting of some of these products will be offered during your visit.
The tour will end with the short return trip to the ship.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Neuvic Estate spreads out over 19 hectares at the confluence of the Isle and Vern rivers, in the town of Neuvic.
It is situated on the land of a farm dating back to before the French Revolution, which left traces and memories that can still be seen and felt on the stone walls. The Isle River is omnipresent, whether crossing the property or bordering its contours with its meanders flanked by imposing chalky cliffs.
Domaine de Neuvic produces and markets the Caviar de Neuvic. It also produces caviar for other brands in accordance with precise specifications. Domaine de Neuvic is first and foremost synonymous with an innovative and stringent quality approach.
In 2013, Domaine de Neuvic received the acclaim of the Association France Initiative, chaired by Mr. Schweitzer, as one of ten "remarkable companies" in France. This title rewards its innovative approach, promotion of its region and recognition of human capital as a criterion for the overall success of the company.
During the visit of the estate, your guide will tell you all the secrets of sturgeons breeding and how to make caviar.
At the end of the visit, you will have the opportunity to taste the estate’s caviar, with a glass of sparkling wine!
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 100
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Walk, wine and tapas food : the perfect combination!
From the pier, board your local coach for a 1 hour-transfer to Château Boutinet.
Upon arrival, meet Nathalie, the owner of Château Boutinet wine estate. For Nathalie, a visit to her estate rhymes with conviviality. This 17th century winery under refurbishment has been brought back to life with the passion of the owners for wine making and hospitality.
You will start with a walk around the property and discover the grape vines and the beautiful surrounding forest. Nathalie and her dog will guide you on foot through the vineyard, explaining her work in the vines, the challenges of a wine producer's life, and organic wine making technics.
After effort comes comfort: Back to the estate, Nathalie will invite you to a homemade tapas tasting sampling some of the local delicacies paired with 3 wines from the estate.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Close to Saint Emilion, Château de La Dauphine is a gem, an elegant blend between history and green modernity. Their remarkable wine tourism experiences were recently acknowledged with several gold awards: in 2014 for the Architecture & Landscape category, in 2016 for the food category, in 2018 for Sustainable Wine Tourism Practices and in 2020 for the Innovative Wine Tourism Experiences category. Château de La Dauphine was also 2020 International winner of the contest Best of Wine Tourism.
After a 45 minute-transfer, start a “green tour” with your guide. During this visit you will discover the property’s ethical and environmental initiatives: work in the vineyard, the beehives, biodynamic workshop, aquaponics, the permaculture vegetable garden and the scented garden.
Then, enjoy a delicious tasting of the estate production such as honey, Merlot jelly and three wines.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
From the pier, board your local coach, drive West of Bordeaux and cross the Landes de Gascogne forest before arriving in the Arcachon Bay region, a resort famous for its weather and oyster culture. A fragrant oasis surrounded by an immense forest of pine trees; a subdued ocean which nestles up against the wild sand-dunes; a long wreath of fine golden sand. This is Arcachon Bay with clean waters constantly renewed by the tide, and flights of thousand of migratory birds.
Here you will stop in Le Pyla to climb the highest sand dune in Europe with 110 metres height. A wooden stairs allows an easier climbing of the first half. From the top, you will discover a fantastic view over the entire Arcachon Bay in the North, over the Ocean in the West, and over the never ending Landes pine tree forest in the East.
Then, you will go to a nearby oyster farm port where you will visit a typical oyster farm. The owner will explain all about the oyster culture and will invite you to taste oysters with rye bread & butter, and dry white wine.
Je nach Verfügbarkeit, Preis pro Person.
Landausflüge können ab zwei Monate bis maximal sieben Tage vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt telefonisch bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater oder bei Ihrem Reisebüro reserviert werden.
Landausflüge können ab vier Monate vor Beginn der Kreuzfahrt bei Ihrem PONANT Reiseberater reserviert werden. Die Kapazität ist begrenzt, daher werden die Reservierungen in der Reihenfolge ihres Eingangs bearbeitet.
Enhance your cruise and extend your trip with a carefully designed programme.
Day 1 - Bordeaux
After disembarkation procedures are completed, you will be greeted at the port by our local representative.
You will be driven to the Mondrian Bordeaux les Carmes Hotel, located in the heart of Bordeaux, where your will be able to leave your lugagge to enjoy your day in Bordeaux freely.
Lunch at leisure.
Optional activity (with extra cost): Bordeaux, between castles and vineyards
After dropping off your luggage at the hotel, you will head to Château Beauregard, where you will enjoy a guided tour and a wine tasting. Created in the 11th century by the Knights of Malta, Château Beauregard has a 17.5 hectare organically farmed vineyard located on the Catusseau plateau, a terroir which has produced world-famous wines such as Cheval Blanc or Pétrus. You will then discover Château Fleur Cardinale and its 23 hectares of vines, before tasting the local wine and having lunch at the restaurant. Approximate duration of activity: 6 hours
Optional activity (with extra cost): Gourmet Tour in Bordeaux
After dropping off your luggage at the hotel, you will leave for a 2-hour gourmet walking tour through the streets of Bordeaux. You will then head towards the Cité du Vin for lunch at the bistronomic restaurant “le 7”, located on the 7th floor, where you can enjoy cooking regional products and a panoramic view of downtown Bordeaux. You will then have a visit to the Cité du Vin with wine tasting. Approximate duration of the activity: 5 hours
Way back to your hotel.
Evening and dinner are at leisure.
Overnight at the Mondrian Bordeaux les Carmes Hotel 5*.
Day 2 – Bordeaux
After breakfast, check-out and free time until your departure.
Your hotel:
The Mondrian Bordeaux Les Carmes 5* is located in the heart of the historic Chartrons district in Bordeaux, about a hundred meters from the Cité du Vin. The hotel, created by Philippe Starck, was born from the metamorphosis of the former Calvet wine cellars, into an elegant place for meetings and exchanges. A very beautiful terrace opens onto the swimming pool, the spa and the contemporary restaurant/bar.
Your programme includes:
Your programme does not include:
Please note:
Contact of your hotel:
Mondrian Bordeaux Les Carmes 5*
81 Cr du Médoc
33300 Bordeaux
Telephone : +33 5 35 54 10 84
Duration and order of the visits may vary.
Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 390
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.Gesamtpreis inkl. Steuern- und Gebühren : EUR 505
Preis pro Person auf Basis einer Doppelkabine. Dieser Preis gilt vorbehaltlich Verfügbarkeit.